
Makin' Progress

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So, the Lakers are getting beat. Nothing's perfect. It shows that Kobe is no Jordan. There was only one Jordan. I don't plan to watch the finals much if it is the Kings. I would probably catch up on movies like Spiderman and Starwars.

Saw CFG and Jsh Flmng pfrm at Jttrs frdy. Okay, enough shorthand. Josh and Chris were great as usual, but I had never seen Keith Bruecker before and ditto for David Escobedo. Both were fantastic. I really was amazed with David's monologue about the handicapped person. He is kinda like a young Eric Bogosian without that bitter New York attitude.
if you are interested check out for more info.

Great news! I am to be published in Pearl Magazine. Pearl is based in Long Beach, CA, and has published Bukowski, David Trinidad and Billy Collins as well as Denise Duhamel and many others who I admire. They wanted a short poem called "surgery" It is a good little poem juxtaposing my gall bladder surgery with editing a poem into form. I call it a meta sonnet since it could be 14 lines, but doesn't fit petrarchan or English standards. I am more interested in content rather than form still form is something to grapple with, or to conduct a poem. Even Slam poetry has a form which constrains a poem specifically to 3 minutes approximately or less, and also requires a tone of language which will be easy to hear and understand when read aloud. The Audience is the most important aspect of a slam poem. Not the poem, or the poet, or the message, but the people you are reading for. That counts as a form of sorts.
Well, I am going to go back to seeing the referees demolish my Lakers. I don't give the Kings any credit. They are cheating.

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