
views on commerciality and slam and intestinal weakness

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somber... yes... somber

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It was funny... after reading "the digressor" at Roma tonight, a few people complimented me after the reading... one said I should be on Def Poetry Jam.
What poet out there doesn't fantasize about hitting the big time? being able to make a living doing what one loves? Sure enough, the compliments were from girls... and I blushed, and yelped... thank you... and walked off.

When I got home, I checked out the poetry slam listserve... and there was a message from Marc Smith, the founder of the slam...

essentially... there is a slight rift between the def Poets, and the Poetry Slam comittee. I am not sure how deep the rift is... or how it started... but it might be more of an ideological difference.

Poetry Slam will always be a grass roots kind of thing... but still the negatives of slam within all the camraderie exist.

If you don't win... it sucks. I remember not making the team in 2001... even though I was invited to coach the team, I spent the Summer disappointed and longing to be on the team... I got my wish in 2002... and it was great. Still... if you are not on the team... one of the 4... it can be, not as rewarding... especially if you have self esteem issues like I do.

If I got the chance to make money with my poetry... I would do it.

No question...

I would sell out faster than you can say... Mountain Dew, it doesn't really cause ulcers.

As Taylor Mali said... uh... to paraphrase Mali... everyone has an inner diva.

I want to be a big shot just as much as anyone else... I want women to faint as I get up to read a poem... (Inner chauvinist) I want to live in a mansion and have a summer home in Aspen... but right now... I want to take a nap.

I just ate a lot of beef jerky, and I am listening to Bruce Springsteen.

Boss Jerky!


Thanksgiving is upon us... and I may not be updating you, oh journally journal... until Saturday or Sunday.

Yes... part of me is a sinner and part of me is a saint... part of me is a smug asshole, and part of me is a gracious sweet nice guy. So, I am not ignoring you... I am just having an acid flashback... I am not pretensious... just pretending... I am not angry and misogynistic... I just hate everybody.

I am not being a snob... I just got gas... and you don't want to be near me right now.

Nobody minds their own stench...

Shows how self centered we all are.

Well... Sayonara...

Boy Howdy... what the fuck does that mean? who the fuck is boy howdy? a cousin of Boy George? Howdy Doody?


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