Journal of Lies
Untruths, half-truths,
and lies of omission

Of curbs and locks...
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Generally my bad days at least wait until work to start, but this morning I got a nice early start at it, I guess to make up for the holiday Monday.

My wife wakes me up at about 7:20am because she can't uncurb my car's (which she's borrowing) wheels, so she can go to work early. I get up, still in sweatpants, etc., while she's freaking out about getting to work early still, walk outside and uncurb the wheels and start the car for her.

I tell her to call me later, and head back to the house.

Just as she is pulling away, I see that she's closed and locked the house.

Charging back into the street, screaming and jumping up and down, I watch her drive all the way down our street, two stop signs down, and turn and drive off, never looking back once.

So, no keys, no phone, no glasses, having to pee now, locked out of my house.

Fuming, I march around the house, looking to see if any other door might not have been closed, or if some window was left open. No luck. I'm not considering peeing in the back yard.

However, the inside door between the house and the garage was also left open, leaving just a rather sad and old outside wood door in the garage keeping me out. I know this door isn't secure, which is why I've nearly begged her to close the inside door, which is a sturdy, fire-resistant door, with a pretty good lock on it.

So a anger-inspired kick later, and the old garage door is in splinters and I'm back into the house running to the bathroom post-haste.

Now, I'm late to work because she wanted to be early, and my plans to replace the garage door have now been moved up a bit.

Generally not the way I want to start the work week.

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