Journal of Lies
Untruths, half-truths,
and lies of omission

Talking just to hear the echos
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I fully understand that when I'm like a thing I talk about it too much, heap too much praise on it, and become altogether too entranced and interested in it.

I also know the gaps between such events are measured in years. I suppose that makes things worse in a way.

I tend to be pretty obvious in my favoratism and fawning over something, and I know that's pretty unbearable at times. So I try real hard to temper it and not jump around like a little puppy dog.

Which is odd in a way, because I'm not exactly what you'd call an upbeat or energetic person, and it is so few and far in between when I do act like that.

It just that when on that rare occasion something really makes me happy, I do want to share that it does, and try to prolong it as long as I can. I think that's pretty natural.

But as I've said before, there's a point at which I've focused so much energy on a thing, like a magifying glass, it starts to burn under the intensity. I try real hard not to let that happen.

Especially when it comes to friendships.

It's hard to tell a person, "Your friendship is the best thing that's happenned to me in ages" without coming off like a complete nutter. Well, at least for me. I'm not good with talk when it really matters, which generally sends me to journal entries, mostly private, to say what I should have said when it's too late, and no one's there to hear anyway.

But I'm really good at saying the wrong things.

So to a person who likely will never read this...well, even here words fail.

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