Journal of Lies
Untruths, half-truths,
and lies of omission

Glass houses and stones
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I don't have anything against France, and I'm sure it's a lovely country that I hope to get to someday, full of wonderful people and great art and history.

However, I seem to remember some very vocal, scathing and condescending criticism from France, especially from the French government, during the LA Riots, and how nothing of the sort could happen in Paris, because they were so socially and culturaly evolved compared to the US.

Not to say that the US is in a great place as far as race relations.

But perhaps people should look to tending their own houses before acting *too* superior.

In the same way that it irks me when the US acts like we can tell the world what to do, having other countries act like they don't have cultural and economic strife is rather annoying.

I hope the underlying causes of the social tensions that have caused these ongoing riots in Paris are addressed promptly, and that other countries act with sympathy, and are reminded of their issues, instead of saying "that couldn't happen here, because we're better".

Because it always can. And it will.

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