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You're now entering... The Twilight Zone!
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Holy crap, it has been a busy and expensive week! I wouldn't be surprised if my blood pressure has been up with the stress of it all. Just when you think you're getting ahead, something comes up (several somethings, actually) to kick you in the guts and make you worry. There's nothing too serious though (that could change, I'm sure), and we're hoping everything gets resolved in the next week or two. Fingers crossed!

Last weekend we did some hiking through a nearby forest preserve, which was quite nice despite everything still looking dead and grey from winter. We noticed a lot of loose branches overhead and there were trees down all over the place. I'm not sure whether that was from the big storm last summer, or whether it was more recent. We were hoping to do some hiking this weekend, but the colder weather has swept through again and kept us indoors. That shouldn't stop us, but it's a convenient excuse :)

Instead we've stayed indoors and watched some Twilight Zone episodes on DVD that I picked up through ebay. I've only ever seen a couple before (when I was on assignment in the US and had SciFi channel), so it's all rather new and exciting :)

In other thrilling (!) news, today we finally got around to renting a carpet cleaner! We cleaned the living room, and we'll probably do the remaining two rooms tomorrow. With all the noise, our cat decided she'd be safer hiding under the bed for most of the day, and surprisingly, even the smell of our chicken dinner wasn't enough to get her to come out! She finally emerged once we were sitting on the couch, watching TV. Since the carpet is still a bit wet, she was careful to wander around the edges of the room on her way to visit us. She seems to be back to her old self now after the scare last weekend, though.


The other day I finished reading issue 36 (Autumn 2003) of The Third Alternative, which was a solid issue, with the usual "high-weird" quotient :) My favourite stories this issue were Lucius Shepard's novella The Park Sweeper (a curious tale set in Trujillo), and David Ira Cleary's The Automatic Circus (an intriguing mechanical circus act!). I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the next issue - it looks like a great lineup!


Lately I've become annoyed by my slow fiction writing progress, having completed nothing new so far this year other than a zeppelin tale and a flash fiction piece. My goal this year was for a story per month, so I've got a bit of catching up to do if I hope to get at least 12 stories written this year.

In order to give my fiction writing efforts a boot up the backside, so to speak, I've decided I should try and write a story per week until the end of May. I'll evaluate the situation again at the end of May and see if this is something I can maintain for the rest of the year.

I'm going to try for completed short stories rather than flash fiction, but if things get so hectic that all I can manage is a short flash piece per week, so be it.

I attempted something similar back in November of last year, aiming for 3 stories that month, but that effort failed dismally. I had too many distractions and not enough motivation to follow it through. I'm sure this time around will be just as difficult, since April and May are going to be fairly busy with Carrie's parents coming into town and the Wiscon SF convention, among other things, but it should be do-able.

I've found the crit group to be inspirational, which is one thing I didn't have last year. It's nice to get such a wealth of advice from such a talented group of people, and it also helps seeing what other members are up to - there's nothing like a bit of friendly competition *cracks knuckles* ;)

Stay tuned for the occasional update...


2004 Stats:

Total submissions:8
Total acceptances:0
Total rejections:7
Waiting for response:3
Books read:6
Fiction Mags/Chapbooks read:11

What I'm Reading:
More Tomorrow and Other Stories by Michael Marshall Smith
Science Fiction 101 by Robert Silverberg
Analog Science Fiction, September 2003

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