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2012-08-11 3:39 PM A Job Well Done, and a Bereavement Just updating anyone who is interested in the effectiveness of the new gutter system we had installed the other day - IT WORKED!
Last night we had massive storms moving across New England, Connecticut getting the brunt of them and then over into southern Massachusetts. Some up in the Manchester, NH, area were wild, as well. Heard that "hundreds of trees" were blown down in the Glastonbury, CT, area. The local weatherman we watch, Matt Noyes on NECN, was going like a wild man giving everyone the up-to-the-second weather information, telling people who live on this street or that street to run for cover because the worst of the weather was right over their heads NOW! It was quite a show he put on. Well, this massive storm system dumped a ton of rain on all of us here in New England. I can't say we suffered here on The Hill from it because there really wasn't much wind in our area, but wow, did it EVER RAIN! In torrents. And when I came into the living room in the wildest rain of all, there was no water cascading down the living room windows...none at all. The gutters stood the test. All around the house, they were champions. We'll see down the road, as fall moves through this tree-saturated neighborhood, how well they do in staying unclogged from the leaves and debris that regularly befall us. I love our trees but they can be rather a mess when they decide to shed their leave and acorns. At least this year Paul won't have to get up on those wobbly ladders to scoop out the gutters - or get up on the dormer roof, which is quite high off the ground in the back, and go to the edge to clean out the rear gutters. We'll see what winter brings as regards snow and ice. Fingers will be crossed the whole way through the seasons until spring rolls around again. There was some sort of a Marine Festival over in Marblehead today. Paul was asked to sell his lobters from 10:30 to 5:00 today rather than his usual 2-5 hours as there would be lots of people milling around and, hopefully, some of them would hanker after a nice, cheap, lobster dinner tonight. We were so pleased, also, about the work the two guys did installing the gutters the other day that Paul had about 12 lobsters that he needed to get rid of (they were weak and we didn't want to waste them) so he gave 6 each to Will and to Julio, the gutter guys, the day after they had finished the job. OK, I'm currently having a long sneezing fit here so I need to go. And In Memorory of Stella... But before I do, I wanted to say how sorry we were to hear that our neighbor's darling dog, Stella, passed away last night while snuggled up on the sofa with her. She hadn't even realized she'd gone until she went to wake her up. It was very sudden and not quite expected although Stella had had her medical problems but seemed to be improving lately. You are in our prayers Peggy. God bless little Stella now up in doggie heaven. Cheers, Bex "It's in every one of us, to be wise. Read/Post Comments (6) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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