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2012-08-10 10:01 AM Trying to stay cool in a hot situation Not much of a photograph but it's all I've got. Looking out the bedroom window onto the roof, showing one piece of our new gutter with the "Leaf Relief" piece overtop it. This is supposed to keep all leaves and debris out of the gutters and keep them flowing along when it rains. We'll see.
![]() Our electric meter is attached to the corner of the house, which is seriously deteriorated and in need of replacement. Also, the electrician came out and took a peek and said that the meter box needs to be replaced, as well. So all this carpentry and electricial work was supposed to be today, a Friday, but since it can't be done in the rain, and the weatherpeople around here promised us that today would be raining all day, I cancelled this appointment and rescheduled for Monday. Of course, today it is clear, sunny, and fine outside, albeit hot as usual. Now it will probably rain on Monday since they are predicting sun for that day. I wish weatherpeople could be held responsible for lost time and lost revenue when people make plans based on their forecasts and then have to change them at the last minute. But nobody wants any responsibility anymore. Paul got our electric bill the other day and told me that he hoped I was comfortable in our little house this summer (keeping cool while the world outside simmers) because it was the highest amount of electricity usage for one month we have ever had in all the years we have lived here. I said, yes, thank you, I was comfortable in my cooled-off house. I am not practicing green energy efficiency here, I just want to be cool. I don't do well in heat and humidity and we have had those two little items in overabundance this summer. The dogs also like to be cool. They told me so. So it's Paul who pays the electric bill but he's outside on the ocean working all day in the heat and sun and humidity and has to pay for the three of us to be home here and cool. It's not fair, is it? For him anyway. For me, I am keeping my mouth shut, being grateful for the comforts I do have here, and just trying to make it through each day with as little kerfluffle as possible. (Is that how you spell that word?) The only thing about this electric meter job is that the power will need to be turned off here, and I don't know for how long. That will be a problem for me. A big problem. I went to use my car the other day (it sits out in the sun day after day and isn't used much anymore), and the air-conditioner in the car didn't work anymore. I don't know when that went on the blink, but I wasn't any too happy since I had to drive for over an hour to go to where Paul had locked himself out of his truck, with his spare key in hand, to get him back into the truck at his folks' place. It's only 8 miles away but with the incredible traffic in this area, it took me over one hour to drive there and back, with no A/C in the car. Complain complain. Today I am in cool comfort here and am thinking about making Paul some molasses ginger cookies. Yes. That's up next on the agenda. Bye for now. One last parting shot of the rooftops looking out the bedroom window: ![]() Cheers, Bex "It's in every one of us, to be wise. Read/Post Comments (12) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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