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2013-02-26 2:36 PM Daily Photo Shoot - Day 26 I'm really running on empty here. I promised a Daily Photo Shoot for the month of February. I have three more, including this one, to do but all this is about is one lonely little photo for you:
![]() Just some oven mitts that I got from someone, or from somewhere, but I cannot remember where or from whom. Oh well. I love them but do not use them. I have more durable and thicker ones I use for the oven, these are just decorative and have ended up living on this hutch in the dining room, just outside the kitchen door. When I married Paul, people started giving me "lobster" things for gifts, which is appropriate I guess. But chatchki's can get to be dust collectors if you get too many of them. But these I do love and keep them hung up there. I've been stuck into my tax returns today. Not fun. We do our own ourselves and since we file married-filing-separately, I have to do mine which seems to get more and more confusing every year. Most of my life I would use that 1040EZ form and it was a cinch. Being married and being a homeowner and having other little things creeping in one's life along the way all conspire to make Tax Season less than fun. I needed a figure from Paul's federal tax form to insert into my state tax form, so he spent all day doing his yesterday and he gave me the needed figure last night. Today I spent all morning doing up my state tax forms and after several hours and lots of pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, I am getting there, nearing the end, when Paul comes home from out on the water (yes!) and says that he may have to change that figure he gave me... What????????????? I now may have to revise all that paperwork including the stupid Health Care forms, which, if the rest of the country has to do what we in Mass. have to do, will be a royal pain in the butt. Worksheets galore...I am sick of it... but it turned out that I made such little money last year that I don't have to pay the penalty for not being covered with health insurance. Medicare will pick me up this year but last year was a wash. The penalty can be up to $2,000 for not being insured if you could have afforded it, but we fell well below the level of affordability. So that's it. Maybe tomorrow I'll get my act together and get a better Photo Shoot. This one is pretty darn pathetic. Maybe I'll find a dog picture to throw in here too. Better yet, how about a cat picture? ![]() The late, great, Isabelle and Woodie-Woodfin. The best kitties ever! I miss those sweet souls (both girls) so darn much! Oh here's a dog picture too... ![]() I always loved this picture. Paul had a lot more hair then. And another, taken on the day Muff moved in with us... ![]() The Muff (Muffin Collie-Flower), our first collie together, was the most unbelievably beautiful tri-color collie we'd ever seen. She was 6 when we got her and 10 when we lost her. Way too soon...too young. She had cancer of the nose and it was not pretty. But she was pretty and we called her the Glamour Girl when she lived here. And my deepest condolences to Rhubarb who had to say goodbye to her darling Callie-cat yesterday - such a hard thing to do... hugs for you, Rhu. ![]()
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