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2015-01-25 9:56 AM Into Thin Air... Poof, It's Gone. ![]() I keep that little map on top above on my desktop and click on it every day to see the weather across the country, coming, here, and going away. I am wishing that the weather showing up as that white/green section in Illinois would just go away without ever coming here. But it won't. So we are in for a blizzard starting tomorrow (Monday) evening and not ending until sometime on Wednesday. ![]() I just spent a good deal of time writing a blog and then, with one mis-click of the mouse, it all disappeared into thin air and was gone. I know that's probably happened to all of you who do blogs or journals online, and it is not a good feeling - you panic for a second and then try everything you know to get it back... it MUST be somewhere - if you could just find where to click! So now that I have determined that it's truly gone, I am starting over. But it will not be nearly as good as the one I just did. This time I'm writing it on a document page in my laptop and not directly into the JS site. I'm hoping this document page will save by itself every few minutes so if I do that stupid thing again, it will not all be gone. Actually, since the morning is getting away from me, I've decided not to replicate the blog I had done and lost. I need to get back into my project, so you are just going to have to wait for another day to hear, and see, all about it. I don't have the mental energy to do it all over again right now. Drat. Sorry. So, until another time, another day maybe, I'll just say so long and hope that, wherever you are, your week goes smoothly for you with little or no problems and that we don't lose power here during the blizzard. Cheers, Bex 2003 - Present Archives at Diaryland Read/Post Comments (12) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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