Random Mutterings of a Transatlantic Mind

A New Day...
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NOTHING! can make me smile more than writing a journal entry and accidentally naming it after Celine Dion's show!
(Did I say smile?...of course I meant laugh, very loudly)


Well wasn't I just the cheerful one yesterday?

Go can say it. I really don't mind if you do.

Still, I suppose the chance of a career in motivational speaking just flew out of the window, didn't it?..


So, yeah...I slept better last night. heh.
Does it show?


And I'm trying to 'self-clean' the oven again.
I've not seen any flames yet...which is always a good sign.


Today's 4th Grade vocabulary word was amanuensis...because today is apparently 'Secretary's Day'.
(Damn!...Hallmark are good, aren't they).

What? had to look it up?...Pffft!...I guess I must use that word at least 3 times a day without trying.

Yeah. I lied.

I just wonder sometimes, who chooses these words?

I suspect it's some 'uptight, bespectacled literary genius'...

But then how do I explain last week's word being 'bogus'?

'uptight, bespectacled literary genius...who likes Bill and Ted'?



Soundtrack: 'Some Days are Better than Others' ~ U2

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