:: HOME :: GET EMAIL UPDATES :: WonderLuster :: Still (sur)Rendering :: Hollywood :: Willow :: Slim :: | |
2006-05-17 12:16 PM Blinkers Off Mood: Contemplative Read/Post Comments (5) |
It's time to reassess. To take stock.
You see, I know what I want and yet, time and again, I stand in my own way. Why would I do that? Am I doubting my choices? I don't think so, in fact I know I'm not... BUT I do think I've let my priorities get all askew. Maybe I've been so self-centered and hung up on the fact that I actually have this thing to aim for... that I've lost sight of the actual goal. The simple fact is...things have to change. I need to refocus. Recognise the short-cuts. Not turn a blind eye towards them. Step away from the unhealthy stuff. Find the energy I lost. AND find a balance between enjoying the pleasures I have found along the way and the pleasures that will come from a change of direction. I know it's much easier to write it than to actually DO IT. But I really want to try. Soundtrack: 'New Opened Eyes ~ Tracy Thorn Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
:: HOME :: GET EMAIL UPDATES :: WonderLuster :: Still (sur)Rendering :: Hollywood :: Willow :: Slim :: |
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