Pay Them in Dollars, Fuck Their Daughters And Turn It Into Wonderland 57314 Curiosities served |
2002-07-05 12:46 PM Blow up the outside world... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Confused I have no idea where this dream exactly begins, partly because I kept waking up. However, here's what I remember.
The last thing I rmember was explaining to people in the dream the dreams I was having, because apparently at some point in the dream, I was asleep and dreaming. Working backwards... So I was explaining to them about how I was dreaming about being at school, which was south east of a mall that I kept referring to as Universal City(Walk) but, as in dreams, doesn't actual resemble the place it's named after. And, of course, you can walk from one to the other. When I was at the school, I'd just finished playing a team game, that was kind of like Live Action Chess (no, not like Harry Potter, you motherfuckers). It's weird, though, because I remember it starting out like real chess and then somewhere along the line I was dragged into the board. I'm not entirely sure how this whole thing began. I know that, near the end, I broke my friend's sword; not to win the game, just to emphasize the point. He was annoyed. I told him I'd replace it in two weeks, depending on how long it took to ship. I got away from him. Should be noted that it seemed that coming and going through the mall required traversing a food court of considerable size. In fact, I don't think I saw any other part of the thing and I have the vague feeling that whenever I was going through it, I was running away from something. I was explaining this to...people sometime before I actually woke up. I was in Adam & Dennis' place. It was filled with some fairly usual suspects, none of whom I can name except for Leigh, who I think was momentarily the target of some good-natured joke about another girl. Now, when I was dreaming within the dream, apparently I was sleeping next to Thea and Stacy (hey ladies) in a really cramped bed and we'd all been talking about something earlier. When exactly this scene began, I couldn't tell you; it just sort of happened somewhere in along the way. Interestingly, this scene was one of the ones that was completley devoid of any sexual overtone, unlike other bits that featured blowjob scenes reminiscent of Star Ballz, which I have only just watched thanks to Dennis owning it on DVD. Don't ask me who was getting blown or by whom; I'm not entirely sure anymore. I don't exactly know where to go from here... Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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