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field day is fun
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Because we have the best health and fitness teacher ever, we had the best field day ever. Ok, I can’t give him credit for the fact that it managed to stay sunny on a day it was supposed to pour, but he otherwise I would like to acknowledge the vision and leadership of Mr. Milsap.

I remember field day as lots of races and a big tug of war. In first grade, when I actually won a running race (my one time ever), it was pretty cool. But after that, the best think about field day was the popsicles. Under Mr. Milsap, there are tons and tons of activities and none of them involve public humiliation. He set up 28 stations around a huge field at the public park: hit the ball, throw the ball, pop the balloon, get a tattoo, get sprayed by water, hop in a gunny sack. . . All the stations were monitored by adults and the kids managed not to push in line or get freaked if they fell. We all had a great time.

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