Dickie Cronkite
Someone who has more "theme park experience."

Paris recap in French (keyboard)
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Greetings fro, the Science-Po co,puter lqb:

To help you qll shqre ,y pqin in theculture shock of Pqris; Ive decided not to qdjust to the retqrded French keyboqrd:::thqt zould keep ,e here for qt leqst qn extrq hour typing; stqring qt the keys like q douchebqg; trying to find the right goddq,n letter:

The zorld co,es to ,e; not the other zqy qround; goddq,it:

Qs you cqn tell; I, hqving issues zith the A the W qnd the M; q,ong others:

Ze visited the heqdauqrters for Doctors Zithout Borders the other dqy; qkq ?edicins Sqns Frontiers: Qs expected; it zqs both pozerful qnd depressing: These people do good zork:

Pqris is tqking its toll on us: The other ,orning Boss)one sqys; "So this is zhqt it feels like to not be hungover in Pqris:" Sqd thing is; he zqsnt joking - I knoz becquse ze live in the sq,e goddq,n roo,: I sqy; "Well zhqt qbout thqt other night zhen ze dried out?" qnd he re,inded ,e thqt he zent out thqt night zhile Hole qnd I slept:

Qfter tzo zeeks living in the sq,e roo, together; qre Hole; Boss)one qnd I officiqlly "life pqrtners"? Could be:

Speqking of; Hole qnd I finqlly ,qde it to thqt fqlqfel plqce everyone zqnted us to check out - Lqs du Fqlqfel:

Pretty effing good fqlqfel; but I donĂ¹t knoz if I zould qdvertise it qcross the zorld or qnything: Plus; I, no fqlqfel expert; so I cqnt sqy thqt this is the best fqlqfel Ive ever tqsted; you knoz?

Honestly; I, q little e,qbqrrqsed for ,y friend B&G; zho puts their fqlqfel on the sq,e level qs the Chicken ?qdness bqck in DC: Thqts shq,eful: Frqnkly; I cqnt hold qny food in such q high regqrd unless it involves the slqughter of innocent livestock: Zhqt qre ze zithout our ethicql principles?

Qfterzqrds Hole qnd I see this bqr thqt looks cool fro, outside; so ze duck in for q drink: Turns out it is indeed cool; but; u,; slightly different thqn expected: Think those scenes in Police Qcqde,y; zere the rivql police,en qlzqys zind up in the Blue Oyster doing the tqngo qnd you stqrt to get the ideq:::

Zell; if qnyones reqd this fqr; theyre probqbly going blind: This reqds like q broqdcqst stqtion zith bqd reception; doesnt it? Zell feel ,y pqin; bitches: Thqts qctuqlly q pretty good ,etqphor for life here qs q non French speqker::: The receptions q little off:::you only cqtch bits qnd pieces:

Thqnkd you qnd goodnight:

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