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My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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Measures in Motion

So, for the information of those lovely souls who actually wonder about me between postings,

My heel is healing.

Everyone else is out of the hospital, and increasingly mobile.

I wrote a nice 1-page letter to the folks at Multnomah County Circuit Court, explaining the circumstances and asking for financial reprieve.

I am seeing a counsellor, who has prescribed "Fun" among other things. So far, I've enjoyed sunset at Crown Point, lunch / dinner / dessert with a few old friends, explored variations on Daquiri, Mojito, and rum punch at Dad & Kacey's last weekend, and movies at Mom's this evening. Scrabble with Mom and Wendy last night was hilarious.

Peter Christopher came into town last week with some marvelous coffee.

Mom, Dad, Kacey, and I got together today to look at Grandma's needs, and are planning on getting together again in the near future to look at my own needs as well.

I am concentrating on setting clear boundaries and expectations for myself at work, and making sure there are a few evenings / nights a week where I am definitely NOT at work.

Things are looking up.
It's going to take some discipline on my part to keep them going that direction.

My next assignment is to document my dreams for my life -- what are the most marvelous possibilities I can see?
and my previous assignment, which I now recall, involves developing a layout of what I personally need to be happy.

Slightly different things, but heading in hopefully the same direction.

Any exercises you've found useful in developing your own sense of purpose or personal development? Comments welcome.

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