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2004-04-14 10:20 AM Watching Morning Television Mood: Sleepy but then Pissed Read/Post Comments (4) |
Why is Katie Couric so tan? Maybe it’s the lights but she is seriously orange. Something about this orange makes me mistrust her, like she’s hiding something. Does she eat too many carrots? Carrot addiction can be a very destructive force in one’s life, I know, I’ve been there.
Just ease it back a little Katie, or I’ll have to adjust the tint on my TV and you’ll come out looking green. You don’t want to be green do you? Didn’t think so. Besides, even tanned you’re not the hottest chick on morning tv; its totally that black chick on the Early Show. I think I’ve seen her in a porn video before, HOT. At least I THOUGHT she was black but check out this pic of her mom; http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/13/earlyshow/series/main577794.shtml maybe she just has a better looking tan? Every morning, all three of the morning “news” shows that I get interview some family in crisis. It’s families of soldiers in Iraq, or war wounded, or 9-11, or just some random murder victim’s families. Does this count as news coverage? Each day they don’t really add anything new. I mean, ALL the interviews are the same, they talk about how good a person their loved one was/is, how they smiled all the time, had friends, and that they love them. I’m not trying to belittle their loss or anything but this doesn’t really give the public any useful information. At least now though a marine could tell his buddy to be careful because nobody wants to see his ugly sister on Good Morning America. You know what I hate? Quentin Tarantino movies. I know I’ll probably lose half of my readership on this one, bye Lugosi, but I just think his moves aren’t brilliant tributes to movie masterworks of the past, but campy caricatures that lack any kind of soul or focus. Pulp Fiction is his best movie that I’ve seen and I think it sucks. From Dusk till Dawn deserves mention as one of the top 5 WORST movies I’ve ever seen (right up there with Universal Soldier 3, which Goldberg was actually quite good in.) and I fell asleep during both Jackie Brown and Reservoir Dogs. It’s not the violence or the fucking expletives it’s just the twinkle in his eye that others see as the subtle satire or reverence toward a genre that I find to be an annoyingly ham handed pounding of genre clichés in our faces. He takes the genre to its most absurdist point so that you, for example, laugh at what was meant as a serious point in the referenced movie. But he works too hard The original movie could have caused laughter at that point anyway (old kung fu movies were already funny at the serious parts) but they would cause that laughter only because of their sincerity in the moment. Tarantino holds up an applause sign for himself Plus he’s a pretentious nerd-wuss who thinks he’s badass, and Uma Thurman hasn’t been hot for ten years. I haven’t even seen Kill Bill 1 yet but I fully expect to hate it also. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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