Jeff Findel's
Pastrami On Wry

Tuesday Night Beers
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Here I am enjoying a world class brew outside
on a typical Michigan summer day!
Here's a Pic of me with the Blanche

Damn! can't get this fucking picture to work! I guess you're not allowed to use Yahoo to host pictures for your other website, bastards...

Last Night I tried Anheuser�s World Select Pilsner.
Many people might expect that any beer that comes from the makers of Budweiser would be plain, boring, and crappy. But, being the brave beer adventurer that I am, I thought that a corporation with millions (upon millions) of dollars and it�s own moderately humane zoo/theme park could stumble upon that rare beer magic that allows quality suds to be produced at, oh, roughly ten thousand breweries, brew pubs, micro and commercial and home brewing locations.

And so here it is, all in a nifty green bottle. Y�know what? It�s not half bad. It�s got a very German-beer smell to it, it is refreshing, good carbonation, a hint of alcohol presence. Ok, so the flavor isn�t strong enough that it overpowers the sandwich that I ate a half hour ago, but this IS a Pilsner. The interesting thing is that the flavor isn�t the same consistency throughout the glass � there�s actually some depth here. Ok let�s not get carried away, this is good for this style but it still doesn�t assert itself enough to be a serious beer, but it is pretty well made. Ranked against other light tasting beers it�s a notch below Kirin Ichiban (with its almost sublime conformity) but in the range of Sapporo/Negro Modelo/Grolsch.

I also tried the Blanche De Chambly one of the only beers that I had yet to try from Unibroue.

It didn�t disappoint. Light and with citrus it needed to warm up a little for all of the flavors to come through. It has that fruity almost wine-like taste that all of Unibroue�s beers have. A great beer for enjoying outdoors in the summer. It could go well with light foods or even some strong cheeses but I think it�s fine all by itself. I didn�t spend half as much space writing about it as the World Select but it was almost twice as good.

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