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"Return of the Crap" Is More Like It
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Annoyed at this computer and web browser.

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Not much has changed on the computer front. I still can't access any java based links, which also means that I can't read comments. Oddly enough on rare occasion they'll work for about a minute or two and then nothing. I have no clue what to do. Rob has called Sony about it twice. The first time they had us change a browser setting and it worked for a few minutes and then crapped out again. So, he called back again and they told him to do a system restore to a date before the problem started. That also worked for a little bit, but today the links are not working again. Looks like he'll be calling Sony again tonight because we have no idea what to do. This isn't something Best Buy can fix because it's not a problem with the computer, it's a problem with our web browser. And Microsoft only tells us to contact Sony. *sigh* We're going around in circles here and it sucks because until I can open these damn links my job hunting is at a standstill. I repeat what I said in a previous entry - we should have gone with a Mac. I fucking hate PCs.

As I mentioned in my previous entry, Saturday Rob and I stayed around the house. We ordered in food, messed around on the computer, and watched the DVD that Bryce and Julia lent us (thanks guys!) of The Emporer's New Groove. It was a very cool movie and I dug the llama.

Yesterday Rob and I slept in and then hung out with Berek and Pita in the evening. They came over around 6:15pm and we headed out right after they got here. Rob and I buzzed them into our apartment complex and then met them at my car. The four of us had decided to head over to Burbank and see a movie. On the way there I needed to drop off my RX at the drug store and deposit some money into the bank. The deposits never made it into the bank because out of the two banks I stopped at (each with three ATMs) NONE of them had any deposit envelopes. *grumbles* So, I still need to get those checks deposited sometime today.

After our errands we headed over to the theatre inside of the Media City Center mall. We ended up seeing a 7:40 showing of The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King. Berek and Pita had already seen it and wanted to see it again. Rob wanted to see it in the theatre and because I love him I agreed to go along. He sees films he's not interested in for me, so I see ones I'm not interested for him. It works out. He ended up really liking the film. I hated it. I can admit, it was a decent movie and very well done, I just didn't like it. Plus, I just can't take a movie seriously where the chick who spends the entire movie (and the ones before it) dying is fine (for no real reason at all) and smooching the king at the end and where the big bad scary villian is a large floating fiery eyeball in the sky. Sooooo lame! I felt like MST3K-ing the damn thing. It just sucked so bad! To each his own.

After the movie I picked up my RX at the drug store (asthma rescue inhaler, preventative asthma inhaler, and allergy pills) and then the four of us grabbed some food at Carl's. After foodage we headed back to my place and Berek and Pita went to Berek's car and they headed home.

Nothing much of interest is going on today. I'm doing laundry and wishing that the computer would let me job hunt. Tonight I need to make a run to the bank to make those deposits I wasn't able to make last night (hopefully they'll have restocked the deposit envelopes) and pick up some cat food. Rob's probably going to call Sony again tonight and hopefully we'll have this Java problem solved soonish so I can get back to looking for a job.


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not tolerate argument from anyone who
challenges your opinions, for once you have
reached a conclusion, its truth seems to you

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