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Weekend Activities
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On Saturday nothing went as planned. The plan was to take Amber to her 12:30 vet appointment and then maybe head out and see a movie or something. You know what they say about "the best laid plans...".

Rob and I woke up on Saturday before Amber's vet appointment and I was feeling like ass. I could barely move. My muscles in my arms and legs were unbelievably weak - so weak that I couldn't even hold a bottle of lotion. I could barely walk. I have no idea what the hell was going on. Have you ever had severe muscle weakness after an intense work out with weights? It felt like the day after something like that. Only, I haven't been using weights recently and my physical activity hasn't really been upped. There was no real good reason for this and it was rather frightening. I couldn't drive this way, so Rob took the bus to the vet's office. Luckily, the vet's office is down Ventura a little bit so it's not too far away.

The vet appointment went all right. From what Rob said Amber was pretty scared to be there. When she was taken into the examination room she went into the sink, put her tail between her legs, and put her head down the drain. Rob said that she looked like a little puff ball of orange and white fur. Eventually the doctor came in, checked her out, gave her a shot, and pronounced her fat. She's a pretty big kitty and from what Rob said she wasn't too happy when the doctor wrote "fat" across her chart. Poor little princess kitty. Rob and I are going to try and get her a bit more exercise with toys she can chase and the like, because we can't put her on the doc's recommended low-cal cat food. Sydney (our other cat) is underweight and it's more important to make sure that he doesn't lose any more weight than it is to get Amber to weigh less. She's not obese and she's not anywhere near a skateboard kitty as of yet, but she is a bit on the chunky side.

When Rob got back home with Amber from the vet's office he climbed back into bed with me. Eventually I made my way out of bed and felt slightly better (my muscles were still extremely weak, but now I could at least walk). I showered and Rob and I decided that it would be best to skip on seeing a movie. We're heading to Solvang next weekend for his b-day and I want to be in good health for that. Especially since I'm the only one doing the driving on this road trip. So, we only headed out of the house for a quick dinner stop at Boston Market and to make a run to the drug store so I could get some meds that I needed. After the drug store we headed home and spent the rest of the night in.

Sunday it was D&D time. Berek and Pita wouldn't have been able to make a Friday night game, so we ran the game Sunday afternoon. Al has pretty much dropped out of the game (he runs a pirate radio show Friday nights and DMs his own D&D game with his stoner friends on Sundays) so he wasn't there, but everyone else was. Carrie and Bryce brought a b-day cake for Rob (so yummy) and we ordered in chicken from Koo Koo Roo for dinner. We all had a good time and a lot of progress was made in game (including the rescue of a Duke who was a cat that looked a lot like Sydney - hey, our cats need characters too and Amber already plays Pita's "dire kitten" animal companion). People headed out between around 9:30ish and Rob and I spent the rest of the night around the house. We watched Adult Swim and then went to sleep.

Today it's more of the usual. Job hunting, laundry, household chores, etc. No progress to report on the job front. Tonight Rob and I are going to stay in because there's a ton and a half of laundry that needs to get done. For two people, we have a butt load of dirty clothes.


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