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2004-07-20 4:23 PM Questions Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Pensive Read/Post Comments (0) I found this one on Brainsalad's journal (link to the left) and thought I would give it a go.
--------------------------------------- Name four things that you wished you had: [x] A house. [x] A daughter. [x] A job as an attorney or a politician. [x] Naturally red hair. Appearance: [x] Hair- Naturally dark blonde, currently dyed red. [x] Height- 5'5". [x] Eyes- Blue/grey. [x] Worst feature- My weight. [x] Favorite Feature- Either my lips or my eyes. Who do I want to: [x] Kill- I'm not going to post that on a public journal. [x] Hear From- Right now? Someone offering me a job. In general? Old friends from high school or college. I'm getting old and nostalgic. [x] Look Like- Myself, only thinner. [x] Be like- Hillary Clinton. Four things that you should not do to me or while around me: [x] Tell me what to do. [x] Lecture me on my political, religious, etc. views. While I am always open to discussion and hearing some one else's viewpoint, I do not like to be told that what I believe is wrong. I never claim that what I believe is right or wrong, merely that it is my own opinion. Therefore, I don't like it when people try and cram what they believe down my throat. [x] Harm (in any way) an animal or tell me that you have done so in the past. It's a great way to get me never to speak to you again. [x] Put anything, anywhere near my face. I have very sensitive eyes and if someone sticks their hand in my face it freaks me out. Do I: [x] Smoke- No. [x] Drink- Hardly ever. [x] Sleep with a "stuffie"- Only when Rob isn't in the bed with me. I've become so accustomed to cuddling him that I need something to wrap my arms around if he's not in the bed. Currently that something is either a stuffed tortoise or a tie-dyed stuffed fish. [x] Have a dream that keeps coming back- I don't dream, and if I do, I never remember them. I have a condition that pretty much makes it next to impossible for me to get into the deep sleep where you dream. Hence, why I'm always tired. [x] Believe that there is life on other planets- Absolutely. Out of all of the planets out there, it is statistically impossible that Earth is the only one where any form of life developed. [x] Read the newspaper- No, I just read the news online. [x] Have a gay or lesbian friend- Yes, though I haven't seen any of them in awhile. [x] Believe in miracles- No. [x] Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever- Yes, hence why I was willing to get married. [x] Consider the police a foe or a friend- Normally, a friend. Though they scare the hell out of me when driving behind me. LA police make my jumpy because they're very violent. [x] Like the taste of alcohol- Not really. [x] Believe in astrology- No, but I think it's interesting to read. [x] Pray- No. At least, not in the way this question means. [x] Go to church- If you know me, you know about my religious views. 'Nuff said. [x] Have any secrets- None that I can think of. Sure, there are things that I won't tell certain people, but between my friends, my Mom, and my husband I think everything is known about me. [x] Have any pets- Two cats. A 9 year old red Abyssinian named Sydney and a 3 year old orange and white tabby named Amber. [x] Go to or plan on going to college- I already went to college and got a BFA in Cinema-Television from USC. I also went to law school and got my JD from Pepperdine. Down the road I would like to get my LLM in dispute resolution from Pepperdine as well. I will also have to take mandatory continuing legal education classes to stay a barred attorney in California. [x] Wear hats- Never. I look like a dork in hats. [x] Have a degree- Two. A BFA in Cinema-Television (with an emphasis in Filmic Writing) from the University of Southern California. And a Juris Doctor from Pepperdine's School of Law. [x] Have any piercings- No. I tried getting my ears pierced in Junior High, but I had an allergic reaction to the silver and ended up having the earrings removed in the ER because my ear lobes had swelled so much that you could no longer see the stud. [x] Hate yourself- A lot of the time, yes. [x] Wish on stars- Yes. [x] Like your hand writing- No, no one (including myself) can read it. If I must write something by hand I always print, and even then it's very hard to read. [x] Believe in satan- No. [x] Believe in witches- Yes. [x] Believe in ghosts- Yes. [x] Believe in vampires- No. [x] Trust others easily- No. [x] Like sarcasm- Oh yeah. [x] Take walks in the rain- No. I don't like the rain. Physical Features That I Admire In Other People: [x] I don't really "admire" physical traits in anyone. In men, I am attracted to dark hair, dark eyes, and someone taller than I am. In women I respect those who can accept their body no matter what it looks like (even though I can't). Comics: [x] MAD Magazine [x] Garfield [x] Sandman Bands/Singers: [x] David Bowie [x] Nine Inch Nails [x] The Damned [x] The Cure [x] Nina Simone TV Shows: [x] Buffy the Vampire Slayer [x] Angel [x] Forever Knight [x] Charmed (Considering the fact that only one of the above shows is still on the air, can you tell that I don't watch a lot of TV?) Kinds Of Clothing: [x] Jeans and t-shirts when I can wear whatever I want to. [x] A pantsuit when I need something professional or nice. [x] Comfy lounge pants and a tank top when I'm around the house. [x] A red t-shirt with a black cat on it and panties when I'm sleeping. Movies: [x] The Lost Boys [x] Queen of the Damned [x] The Last Unicorn [x] Somewhere In Time Drinks: [x] Minute Maid light lemonade. [x] Grape flavored Propel. [x] Tea. Does your life suck? [x] Yes and no. Yes, because I don't have a job and I hate the city I live in. No, because I have an amazing husband and wonderful friends who are there for me when I need them. Do you get picked on at school? [x] Grade school: Yes, a lot. [x] Junior High: Yes, every day until I beat the shit out of one of the people who was picking on me. [x] High School: No. I went to an Arts Academy where I actually fit in. [x] College: No, once again because I was with other weird people (cinema majors) I fit in fairly well. [x] Law School: No, I think people are beyond that sort of behavior at that age. Though I didn't fit in at all. Pepperdine is a very conservative Christian school. Do you get beat up at school? [x] No, but when I couldn't take being picked on anymore I beat the crap out of a girl who was teasing me. Are you currently being cheated on? [x] I can pretty safely say no to this one. I don't think Rob could handle any more sex without ending up in a wheelchair. Do you cut yourself? [x] No. Do you weigh 140 or less and think you are fat? [x] No, I weigh a lot more than 140 and *know* that I'm fat. If I were 140 or less I would be extremely happy. Do you binge and purge? [x] No, but I did in college when I started gaining a lot of weight due to the medication I was put on. Do you starve yourself? [x] No. Been there, tried that, and somehow I managed to put on more weight than when I ate normally. Do you have a terminal disease? [x] I have problems that could lead to my death, such as asthma and heart palpitations, but nothing immediatly terminal that I know of. How many people do you know with a terminal disease? [x] One. Maybe two. My Grandmother on my Mom's side has some sort of heart failure (though I forget what it's called). My Grandmother on my Dad's side has a ton and a half of health problems, but I don't know what most of them are. How many people do you know who have recently died? [x] Luckily, none. The last person I knew who died, died in the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, though I wouldn't call that recent. Are/were they family members? [x] No, she was a friend from college. Are your parents divorced? [x] Yes, but only recently. Do you not get along with your siblings? [x] I don't have any siblings. Do you feel less than beautiful? [x] I never feel beautiful. Personally, I don't think I'm even pretty. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 5 being average I would rate myself a 4. Do you have bad skin? [x] Not as bad as I did in high school, but I still break out around my period. Are you an alcoholic? [x] No. I drink rarely, if ever. Are you a heavy drug user? [x] No. The only drugs I use are the ones I have prescriptions for (for my asthma, allergies, acid reflux, etc.). Are you an attention whore? [x] On occasion, yes. Are you a slut? [x] No, the only person I have ever slept with is my husband. Do your ears stick out? [x] Nope. Is your penis small? [x] I don't have one, I'm female. or Are your breasts small? [x] Unfortunately, no. I wish they were though. They get in the way of everyday things like eating and typing. They're the opposite of small. Try G (aka DDDD) cup. Can you afford the things you want? [x] The small things, yes. Larger things like the hybrid model of my car, a car for Rob, a house, or a child - no. Can you afford the things you need? [x] Yes, but only because my parents are very understanding about the fact that I have yet to find a job. Have you been fired recently? [x] No. Someone would have to hire me first. Are you missing a limb? [x] No. Are you pregnant? [x] No. I wish I could be though. I *really* want a daughter. Do you overeat? [x] Sometimes, like if I'm at a restaurant and the portions are large. Do you have a learning disability? [x] Yes - for the life of me I cannot learn foreign languages (8 years of French and I can say a few swear words) or math. Are you a waste of space? [x] Sometimes it feels that way. What's your problem anyway? [x] I get depressed a lot and have very low self confidence. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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