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2006-01-26 3:13 PM Drug Store Errands Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: So-So Read/Post Comments (0) Last night Rob and I headed out for dinner and errands. We had dinner at the Sbarro over in Burbank and then ran all over the place. There were a lot of things I needed to pick up (toiletries and the like) for my stay in the hospital and the time when I'm back at home healing up. We were able to get a good amount of things at Sav-On, but needed to also head to Rite Aid for some things Sav-On didn't carry. After those two drug stores we had gotten everything we needed except for parsley pills. We called around and no place had them. We even called Whole Foods and they said they didn't carry a pill form of parsley. However, the person Rob spoke to barely spoke English and kind of seemed like a tard so we decided to head over and see for ourselves. Sure enough, the person on the phone was a fuck-tard. They did have the parsley pills in and so we were able to get everything on our list for the day. When we got home we cleaned out more of my closet (the shelves are done and I went through and donated a some clothes I haven't worn in a long time). Now we just need to get the floor of it done. It's kind of scary, I got rid of a decent amount of things in there and it's still bowing down and looks stuffed beyond capacity. When we move we need to find a place with a lot of closet space. We (especially the I part of we) have a lot of stuff. Last night sucked a whole lot. Not only did I have my usual trouble trying to sleep, but the assholes above us were blaring their TV yet again. I could hear it enough in the bedroom that it was one of the factors keeping me awake. And in the comfy chair in the living room I could pretty much make out the words of whatever crap he had on. So, security was notified of the problem and went up to his apartment. I heard the guard knock on the door and ring the bell, but the asshole never bothered to answer his door. So, the TV just kept blaring for the rest of the night. I finally dozed off right before Rob had to get up for work when the asshole turned his television off. I really hate that guy and because we call security on him a lot for his being so obnoxiously loud I'm a bit worried he's going to do the same when we have a crying baby here. Hopefully both security and the building managers understand that a crying baby that you cannot control is different than a super loud television. We really need to talk to management about this because there's excessive noise coming from his place pretty much every night and he won't answer the door for the security guard. I'm so tempted just to call the police the next time. Today I started taking the parsley pills. They're supposed to aid in drying up breast milk. If you take them before the baby comes there's a chance the milk won't come in. But even if it does, Carmen says that she's seen it dry things up in a day or two. So, I'll be taking these pills until after Gabriel is born and my boobs aren't making any more milk. I checked things over with my OB to make sure it was safe to take and she's cool with it. No, I am not breastfeeding for both medical and personal reasons. ----------
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