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2006-04-12 11:28 AM Busy Baby Days Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Frazzled and tired. Read/Post Comments (3) Yesterday was one of those days. Gabriel spent the day screaming and even with a clean diaper and a full belly (and plenty of cuddles) something was still bothering him. I wouldn't have been able to eat lunch if it wouldn't have been for Rob taking his lunch break to bring me something to eat. I wasn't even able to shower until after Rob got home from work. So far, today has been on and off screaming. He spent most of the morning screaming, and just now quieted down. I don't know if he'll stay quiet and get some sleep or not. I hope he sleeps so that at the very least I can shower and eat something before Rob gets home from work. We're currently trying another temporary formula change. I've been discussing Gabriel's problems with gas, poop, and screaming on a "formula feeding" forum. Some of the Moms on there mentioned that the new DHA/ARA additives are giving their babies gastointestional problems. While the pediatrician highly recommends having those additives in his formula, I'm interested in seeing if that's what's been bothering him. Yes, I know that DHA/ARA is good for brain and eye development. But that's the DHA/ARA in breastmilk, not necessarily the plant additives in formula. It's such a new additive that the kids taking this stuff in haven't reached adulthood to see if it really works or not. Besides, those of us formula fed before those additives ended up fine. So, I'm going to see what happens. If there is a change for the better I'll talk this over with the pediatrician on Saturday. If not, then he goes back to the DHA/ARA formula in a few days. So far, no change. The soy didn't help and if this doesn't help I don't think it's a formula problem. If it's not a formula problem I have no idea what is going on. Probably just colic and there's not much that can be done about that other than to wait for him to outgrow it. One thing I have noticed though is that he's a much calmer baby and sleeps a lot when we're out and about with him. It's usually only in the apartment that he has his screaming fits. ----------
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