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2009-02-21 3:06 PM Shopping In The Schnae Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: So-So Read/Post Comments (1) I woke up this morning and had apparently been sleeping in the wrong position - I completely jacked my neck. I can't move it and it hurts like hell. I don't know what the hell position I ended up sleeping in, but it wasn't good. This morning we woke up to schnae. For those not in the know, schnae comes from an old joke I had with a friend of mind and it's just kind of turned into the plural of snow. Like when you get a TON of snow, it's schnae. Yeah, anyway... we woke up to a butt ton of schnae. Yes, I know it's also the German word for snow. We had an 11:30am vet appointment (senior wellness) for Sydney and found the front of our garage covered in a large drift. Rob shoveled out behind his car (and ended up hurting his back in the process) and we were able to get out and head over to the vet's office. I'm glad he has an SUV with a special snow button in it. We didn't have any problems even though the roads were horrible. Sydney got his check up and all looks good that they can see. I'll get his blood work back on Tuesday or so. We then came home to drop Sydney off and went back out for grocery shopping. We grabbed lunch at McDonalds and then went to Fresh Market for some food stuffs. We ran that back home and then went to Pick N Save for our main grocery shop. I grabbed a hot chocolate from Starbucks on the way home and we came back and put out groceries away. We're going to do the rest of our errands tomorrow because the amount of snow out there (and it's still coming down) is ridiculous. We decided to bathe Gabriel after the groceries were put away just to get it out of the way. It's only 3:12pm and we're spending the rest of the day in. Tonight we'll probably watch one of our Netflix movies. We're also planning on grilling out burgers in the blizzard. We have a balcony that has a screen over it so the snow can't really get in. We also have a standing barbeque style George Foreman grill out there so we can cook out in any season. So, we grabbed some cajun burgers from Fresh Market and a veggie tray and will be eating those tonight and staying in and watching a movie. ----------
You scored 57 Aggression, 71 Sophistication, and 57 Optimism!
You are intelligent, sophisticated, and the physical personification of the can-do attitude. No matter how many times something blows up in your face (figuratively or literally) or prized project collapses around you, you will pick yourself up and try, try again. There is a good chance that you are very skilled in problem solving and would probably make a fine engineer. Your main weaknesses (and this is likely obvious to everyone but yourself) are your overconfidence and complete lack of perspective. When you inevitably fail at a task (you can't possibly achieve all of the lofty goals you set for yourself), you tend to take it personally. If you are not careful, you can become thoroughly obsessed with what is not really a very meaty goal. Try taking a step back from time to time and figure out for yourself if it is really worth it, or if your talents could be best put towards a more rewarding goal. Also, your desire for things to work out the way you've planned can make you a bit gullible. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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