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2009-09-17 9:18 AM Hell Night Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Tired Read/Post Comments (0) Last night was the night from hell. I got maybe, two hours of sleep, at most. Not only did I have some sort of bad tummy problem that had me running to the bathroom all the time, but Sydney was sick as well! Around 8pm or so, we thought he threw up in Gabriel's bedroom. Later on we realized it wasn't throw up - it was diarrhea and he couldn't make it to the litter box. He continued to have diarrhea all through the night and also didn't make it to the box one other time and went on the bathroom rug. He wasn't lethargic, he was eating, and he was drinking. We could tell he wasn't dehydrated. But, he did just get a diagnosis that he's having a problem with his kidneys and I need to get him into the vet as soon as someone can watch Gabriel so that he can get a urine test done. So, needless to say, I was worried about my baby kitty. We called the animal ER in our area and they said we could bring him in for dehydration, but chances are it had nothing to do with his kidneys. They thought he might have a bug of some sort and said it probably wasn't necessary to bring him in that night. That was a good thing seeing as how I was having the same problems with Sydney and having to get Gabriel up and ready would be insane. So, last night we locked him in the bathroom with a bowl of water. That way he wouldn't crap all over the house (or on or in our bed) while we were sleeping. He wasn't happy about this at all and whined the entire night. So, when I wasn't on the toilet myself or worried about him, the noise kept me up. When we got up this morning, there was one more diarrhea in the box. He did one more when Rob was getting ready for work and one more since then. The amount seems to be getting smaller and smaller. Oh, and there's mucus in there. Yuck. Rob called our vet and they said that no, it didn't have to do with his kidneys (but they still do need him in for that urine test). They recommended we wait and watch and make sure he wasn't getting dehydrated. If he was getting dehydrated, then he should be brought in. As of now, he's drinking water just fine and the amount and the frequency of the diarrhea is getting smaller and longer in between. He's tired (which is normal since he spent the night whining about being in the bathroom), but not lethargic and can jump up on the couch, over the baby fence, and on the counters just fine. He is constantly by my side, but that could be because the both of us aren't feeling very good. I'm a wreck. The last of sleep has me barely able t stay awake. It's painful to keep my eyes open and I have a headache I just can't seem to shake. I'm dizzy and really out of it and am having a hard time putting a coherent thought together. I'm also having potty problems. If I had a job, I'd be taking today off for my health, but being Gabriel's Mom, I can't ever take a day off, even when I need it. Hopefully I can get Sydney in soon for his urine test and me in to see how my BP meds are working. At the latest, I should be able to do this on October 1 when my Mom will be in town since Rob will be out of town on a business trip. I still need to get Gabriel in to a uriologist to see about removing a bump on his penis and Gabriel and I both need dental appointments. There just isn't enough time for all of this. ----------
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