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Wake me in the New Year
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Wow. What happened to the year? Seriously. It is gone. In a flash. Insane. I know that time flies at a more rapid rate the older you get, but...am I really *that* old?? Surely not.

This is ridiculous. Do you think that it is only because we actually have things to accomplish as we get older and that fact makes it seems as though the time is passing more quickly? I mean, as a kid what did we have to do? Go to school, play nice with everyone at recess, go home and watch Gilligan's Island (reruns, people. Remember, I'm not *that* old). But now.....there's so much more to accomplish on a daily basis. And it isn't getting completed. gah.

Oh well. Time for vacation. heh. That's what you do when you're overwhelmed with stuff, right? *rolls eyes*

We're leaving tomorrow afternoon to visit my parents for a few days. It should be nice. I haven't seen them, in....forever, I think. Can't even remember. That's crazy. I guess it was the summer of '05 when I was back at their place. Too long, anyway.

We're giving them a laptop for Christmas. Their first computer. It should be an interesting few days! My mom knows how to email (although I'm going to teach her the joys of Outlook) because she has had "WebTV" for a few years - but it was really old (1997?) and pretty non-functional. Therefore, I feel as though I'm going to be opening her eyes to SO much! I mean....surfing capabilities. A hard drive where she can actually keep things. A printer. Music software (w00t!). SKYPE! Lord have mercy. It is going to be crazy. Crazy good, that is.

Okay, time to go finish up stuff. There's packing to be done. There's much furniture to be moved (The landlord is replacing the carpet while we're away). There's definitely an upside, but the downside is moving all of this crap! Who's bright idea was it to have 9 billion books in bookshelves in the living room?

Wow - this was quite a mind-dump. Sorry 'bout that. There's much more to be said but I need to run to the store and get software (Yes, I said software mother - you actually can use it on this new fangled thing!!).

Peace out, folks. If I don't talk to you again before the New Year - have a safe and happy celebration. Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate. Happy Chanukah to those of you who celebrate that. Happy holiday of your choice to the rest of you.

Much love, peace and goodwill to all.

Something to think about: “Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away.” ~Robert Fulgram

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