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2004-06-02 10:33 PM Weaning, growing, throwing, and showing Read/Post Comments (2) |
I've said for a while now that when I get to the end of the school year I'm going to wean LB. He's been down to just twice a day for quite a while now. He nurses first thing in the morning and right before bed. Well, that is, he did. Seems he's beat me to it. I think it might be that there's just too much other interesting stuff to play with and see but I'm not sure. He still nurses in the morning, but in the evenings, he's just not interested in it. Which is OK. Really. It's a little tough because a nursing relationship is a very special one, but it's time, and I'd rather let him lead it than force it on him. Unless he decides otherwise, I'll do the morning wean after school's out.
SO that was weaning, now for growing. We think he's hit a growth spurt, they're not SUPPOSED to have a growth spurt at 15 months, but his shoes are almost too small on him (the teddy bears, not the octopi-that'll be a really sad day!!). And I'd swear that between when I dropped him off at daycare and when I saw him this evening, he must have grown, because his overalls didn't fit him the same way. We've discovered that LB likes to watch and hear things be thrown. We're not sure why, but he will just sit there and giggle while it's happening, and for those without kids, the sound of your own child's laughter is one of THE BEST sounds in the entire world. Mind you, this has some odd consequences, like Phil embedding cactus spines in another plant piece because he threw it and it didn't go where he wanted it to, but still, it's quite entertaining. We took a frisbee outside today and tossed it back and forth, that kept LB happy for a while. He liked it as a hat as well as a frisbee though. LB's also getting better at this whole standing up thing. He can now pretty reliably stand up from the ground without support or walls to lean on. This ability has restrictions though, he has a much worse chance of success if either he's tired or holding something in either hand or even worse, both hands. Last thing. Thanks to Greg, I've been pointed at a pretty cool website. www.wordphoto.org (yeah, I don't know how to put links into my journal yet, but I'm sure some kind soul will help me out sooner or later) I've been posting pictures and it's fun and gives me a low stress outlet for the bit of creativity that I can muster during these insanely busy times. There's pictures up there of LB, and of Rachel and Hunter, and some other misc. stuff too. It's fun to see what other people post. I sometimes like to try to guess where their pictures were taken, but I think some are from archives that they have and not taken the same day. Mine are pretty much all the same day, I don't have a stockpile of digital pics. Well, I do, but they're almost all of LB. That's the latest on us, I think. I'm sleep deprived, but that'll improve much once school's out. I'm pretty burnt now but I've only got a few more weeks. So I can hang until then. People keep asking us about plans for this summer, mostly I'll be spending time with LB and getting some stuff done around the house. Looking forward to both... Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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