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2006-01-24 8:08 PM Finals (& a little wind) Read/Post Comments (1) |
Today was the first day of finals. Wheeeee, or so that's what the students thought, I'm sure of it.
My Chem. final worked out great, it took EVERYONE at least an hour to do it and some took a bit more than two. The final exam period is 2 hours so it was just about right. Physics was a bit different. But OK, I think. Perhaps next year I should make it a bit longer. The LAST student finished with about 5 minutes to spare, overall not too bad, but not great. They did OK on the free response-I've not totaled anything yet, but did grade it. Haven't touched the multiple choice part at all yet. AP is tomorrow, then Thursday is another set of Chem. & Phys. If they go like today, it should be smooth sailing, grading will be a pain, but it always is, unfortunately. That's the WORST part of teaching, IMHO. WARNING: ABRUPT SUBJECT CHANGE AHEAD Sunday, it started getting windy and really was blowing. It blew the kiddie pool around the back yard, and the plastic chairs too. My solution, stack the chairs in the pool, that seems to have kept them in place. I don't know why, but for some strange reason, when it's very windy at night, it feels creepy to me. I don't want to go out into the wind-as if, perhaps, a house is going to drop onto me or something. I don't know what it is, but dark windy nights make me want to not even look outside. But anyway, so it got very very windy, and was again yesterday, this afternoon it started to calm down, and I haven't heard much wind at all tonight. Our yard is a MESS-leaves, pine needles, and crud all over it. Guess it's a good thing Phil told the gardener that he needn't bother using the blower on Saturday. Um, let's see, what else. I thought I had a third thing to say, but now can't think of it. I'll come to me once I think I've finished off this entry-such is the way of things, but at least I can edit or just do another entry. We tried a frozen curry dish for dinner tonight. It's supposedly made by a popular Hawaiian restaurant, Zippys. It was ok, but not great, not awful either though. We have a week of busy evenings too- Last night was gym class with LB, then tomorrow we're babysitting for a friend while they take their older daughter out for her birthday dinner. Then Thursday night we have a dinner where my father-in-law is being honored. Friday night is dinner with my high school group of friends, one of whom is in town from Portland, OR. Saturday we have champs, then Sunday is mother-in-law's birthday dinner. And then there's February, the month of busy weekends. I hope I don't have much work to do in Feb. because it's not getting done on weekends, that's for SURE!! The wind has also kicked up many allergens so the entire Adler household is dealing with it. I finally broke down and took some meds yesterday afternoon (the pain killer, decongestant, antihistamine triple threat) and began to feel human again, had to re-up this morning and again this afternoon. Hopefully, with the diminishing winds, I won't need to take more tonight. OK, so this is the random stuff entry, that's the way things go, I suppose. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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