Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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2004-02-11 11:42 PM Poetry Wars (Part 2) [contd]
As you might expect, the ancient and disabled residents have made their feelings known to Mr Gow when it became obvious that the garage roof would be so obstructive, but to no avail. He is intending to rent the property on completion, not live in it himself, so presumably the bigger the garage, the greater the rent he can charge. Moreover since he has obtained planning permission from the local council there is no legal way he can be prevented from leaving this monstrosity exactly as it is. Game, set and match to Mr. Gow one might think. A particularly pretty and ancient village vandalised and a group of old people deprived of a view they have had for years simply to supplement his retirement income. But if there is no legal redress, in the unique way the Scots have of taking the high and mighty down a peg or two, there may after all be justice. About a week ago there appeared (briefly) on the Parish notice board in the middle of the village, a set of verses which with some rather pointed humour, do just this to Mr Gow and his monstrous garage. Just who the author of the verse is is a complete mystery, but 10/10 for finding an ingenious way of making a valuable point. That there is a Scottish tradition of such verse, from Burns (Robert) onwards is well recognised, and it is good to see it being re-used. The verse was of course rapidly ripped off the notice board, with some force judging by the remains of the plastic covering left. I don't know by whom, but your guess is as good as mine. Mr Gow was reported to be apoplectic and intending to take the offending stanzas to the local police, and in the meantime copies appear to be circulating around the village accompanied by much hilarity at his expense. The offending garage and its roof remains standing however, but I have a feeling that Mr Gow, if he did but know it, may just have achieved that small degree of immortality which is the lot of the infamous. If a copy of the verses ever reaches me then rest assured I will post them here. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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