Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Continued Amazement ! Read/Post Comments (7) |
2004-02-12 2:14 AM Poetry Wars (Part 3) (The verses) As promised, just received by email. Very funny!
SOME LINES ON GOW’S GARAGE “Build me a garage large and wide, Enough for a dozen cars inside”, “Then place on top a roof so high, No one behind can see the sky”. “Brook no complaint, lay on it fast, So when the day I breathe my last, They’ll stand in awe and wonder how, Such ugliness was built by Gow!” ..................................................... Limericks on Gow’s Garage A canny old builder named Gow, Said I am retiring right now, My garage so high, Reaches up to the sky, And you canna see round it, no how! ...... By Kettins’ burn and Kettins’ brig, There’s Kettins’ pyramid so big. Inside it lives a man called Gow, Ten elephants, and, I vow, Five horses and a piebald cow! ....... Old Kettins’ brig was a bonny sight , A pity now there is no light, For all around is dark and gloom, Gow’s garage with its extra room, Has turned the sunshine into night! ... and a Prayer... God in his grace be good to those, Whose garages get up his nose, And take unto his bosom baring, Architects with plans uncaring, Preserve them Lord and cherish well, But send Gow’s garage and the man to hell! ANON Read/Post Comments (7) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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