Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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Mood: Happy Read/Post Comments (0) |
2005-01-06 10:32 PM January - what a super month! There were periods in 2004 when January 2005 looked a long way away - so I for one am very happy to have got here and intend to celebrate January in style!
Christmas was, as usual, incredible. Snow on Christmas Eve and having managed to see my brother a few days before and celebrating it with my closest family made me feel much nearer myself than the new lifestyle had any right to be. All leg infections gone (I hope), although still sore and walking distances is difficult, I managed to get to a couple of cardiac rehab excercise classes in December. The amazing thing was that in spite of my best Grumpy Old Man efforts I actually enjoyed them. I must confess that I have never suscribed to the view that exercise is good for you - if this was so why do so many joggers get heart attacks (to say nothing of sore nipples)? At any rate, equipped with heart rate monitor, talking pedometer (although it isn't very good at conversation) and endless enthusiasm, I was amazed that I could actually survive the very gentle circuit training without throwing up or saying something rude to one of the physiotherapists in charge. Well nearly; I managed to keep lunch down but was forced to remind one of the lady physio's that gentlemen don't "do" pelvic thrusts, well not this gentleman! The drunken celebrations of the Novum Annum over I settled down and finished my entry for the Scotsman Short Story Competition (1st Prize £7500!) which after some editing I shall post tomorrow. (Closing date 17th Jan - for those interested in Oregon email me for details or go search the Scotsman web page)at [You will need an entry form] Sadly January has seen the dreadful effects of the tsunami in the Indian Ocean. So many people killed, so many injured and made homeless. Paradise Lost. It is at times like these that the human race should stop fighting its interminable wars and just help each other. The images from the disaster hit areas have diverted attention from the awful events in Iraq and the to the death struggle that is going to be the job of establishing any kind of democracy there. I see the Sunnis have withdrawn from the election, thus guaranteeing that the country will be ruled by Shias and Kurds which will end in a civil war and Iraq reverting either to fundamentalism a la Iran or continuing conflict for many generations. One wonders if there is a God, just what she is doing about it all? Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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