Kettins_Bob My Journal Of talents too various to mention, He's nowadays drawing a pension, But in earlier days, His wickedest ways, Were entirely a different dimension. |
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2005-04-18 11:02 PM Shelve(s) Part 2 After the recent eulogy to shelves in general, the shelf (singular) managed to combine all the elements that make DIY such a satisfying pastime. For the small investment of a new power tool, to wit one hammer drill to replace the one that lasted 35 years, the job became a true joy of clouds of brickdust, totally aligned accurately drilled holes and satisfyingly aligned screws.
In short the job went well, thanks to a combination of all the correct tools, implements, fixings and the fortunate discovery that the wall, although made to look like concrete, was in fact housebrick. My particular BAFTA awards go to Woolworths for providing the drill for the very non extravagant price of £20, including a set of drills and a 5 year guarantee, to Tommy Walsh for providing a set of raw plugs which included both drilling instructions and a depth guage, and to my late and much loved uncles Jack and Edwin who taught me that in life, it isn't the depth of the whole that matters, its what you put in to it. Perhaps my next adventure should be Zen and the Art of Screw Fixing? Perhaps not. Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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