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2005-01-24 9:43 AM Thank GOD for Snow Boots! Mood: thank you mom and dad :) Read/Post Comments (0) |
BROOKLYN GOT POUNDED THIS WEEKEND! Ofcourse after all of the yelling and screaming that the South is never prepared in their budget with salting the streets before 500 accidents happen, the MTA neglected to salt the rails. This does not excuse smaller cities from not being prepared. It's the freakin' winter! Watch the weather, budget for necessary needs, and get it in gear! Come on Government! Think ahead! If you make laws to protect people, you have to follow through with the necessary provisions! It's part A of B. You can't have one without the other. Am I making any sense here? Anyway...back to New York, there were NO trains running through Brooklyn south of Prospect Heights. Which made for a super fun commute on my Monday morning! After walking up to the train, I followed the crowd to the busses. Thankfully I only had to walk 3 blocks to get to the bus...and I got a seat! Wahoo! Coffee and a seat...this is fun! It's funny. I realized I haven't been on a city bus in a long time...so long that I was actually excited to be riding one. I basically took it to Prospect Heights where I normally change anyway to the R train (aka Pacific Street...see earlier journal 'The Save Cheese Station'). It took 45 minutes by bus to get to the station and then it was a hop, skip and a jump underwater to Manhattan where Whitehall Street greeted me with a sharp breeze. I actually got into work early because I left my apartment at 7am anticipating this.
In honor of the stormy weather this weekend, Snickers and I enjoyed a few movies this weekend. Ofcourse in tribute of the blizzard, we started with "The Day After Tomorrow". Great effects and I enjoyed the dialogue. I ESPECIALLY enjoyed it not being a star driven movie. A nice change. We also watched "Micheal Collins". Snickers had to cover his eyes through parts of this. This was very well done! Knowing this area of history and specific time period, I was very happy to see it kept almost identical to historical events. Lastly, we ended with a swell little tale about a fish "Finding Nemo". Okay, the first 5 minutes of this movie was sadder than either of the other two movies combined! How it's possible to cry "Dear God No!" during Finding Nemo and not in the series of Irish Brutalities during "Michael Collins" or the fact that New York was buried under a sheet of ice in "The Day After Tommorrow"...I don't know...is something wrong with me? Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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