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Tired, but satisfied
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I spent all of this past weekend sleeping and resting and putzing around my apartment doing thises and thats. It was amazing. I did not go to Fort Bragg for my aunt's party (sadnesss about that, but it was necessary). I did not go to Hardly Strictly (initial sadness about that, less later when I learned about the teeming hordes of folks there and the 45 minute walk from the closest parking). I did not pass Go. I did not collect $200. I think I got my pay receipt, though, telling me that my paycheck had been directly deposited. That's kind of like collecting $200. Even better, because although I am a teacher in a non-profit school, I do make slightly more than $200 a paycheck. :)

And we had Monday off. That was sort of like passing Go. I spent Sunday evening and all of Monday hanging out with Jed. Monday was the sentencing trial (if you don't know what I'm talking about, see his journal by following the link), and I was glad to be around to keep him company while he didn't go to it. And then later in the evening I was going to go home, but I didn't feel great (I think I ate something funny), so I stuck around his place and just rested and read bad novels, and it turned out to be really good that I stayed, not just for the sake of my tummy, but because Jed got news that evening that an old friend of his had just died of cancer. *More hugs to you, Jed* Nobody should be alone when they get that kind of news.

It's been nice to be back home in my apartment, though. Tuesday night we had music night, so by the time I got back in late Tuesday (11:30ish), it had been over 48 hours since I'd seen my place. Also, I had stayed away because they had been ripping up and replacing a lot of the asphalt in the parking lots. And I really didn't want to have to move my car by 7 in the morning (or be around for all that machinery and equipment noise at 7 in the morning). In any case, it's good to be in my little housey. I had a sudden flash of insight this evening that even though my aparment is still a complete mess, it's my mess. Nobody will tell me what should or shouldn't be where, or what to do or not do, or what looks good or doesn't. I have known all this logically, of course, since before I moved in, but I really felt it tonight. It felt good. Satisfying.

And now I have to crawl in bed. Okay, okay, I'll brush my teeth first.

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