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I feel like I'm under serious pressure here; my laptop keeps dropping the connection (or, more likely, my Comcast cable keeps dropping the connection) to the Internet. Grrar! And when that happens, I have to restart my computer if I want to go back online. Grrrak!

Anyway, I FINALLY put my paperbacks up on the bookshelf I designed and made for my hallway. Yay! I decided not to actually epoxy the supports to the shelves, because I have another, different idea for supports that I might want to switch to later. Plus, it makes it a lot easier to take apart when I move someday. And the weight of the books is plenty to keep it fairly stable. I'll just put some tiny little L brackets on the top shelf to keep it to the wall, because there isn't much weight on the very top shelf to keep it down.

So that was exciting (especially because I got to get rid of at least four cardboard boxes). My paperbacks are finally, after, let's see, 8 years? out on shelves. Hallele-friggin-lujah.

I also hung a couple more pictures up on the walls and locked myself out of my apartment. Unfortunately, my sister had taken her key with her to her gig over the hill, and she won't be back until sometime this evening (I didn't, of course, have my phone with me, so I had to walk up to her house to find this out). Fortunately, Igor returned to the apartment complex office this afternoon, and I was able to get back in.

I also filled out a maintenance request for my leaking dishwasher and, this is the really mysterious part, my leaking wall. Yes, wall. The dishwasher thing, okay, that seems fairly straightforward. After it's all done with it's cycle, there's a small little puddle of water on the floor in front of it. What doesn't make any sense at all is that there is also a puddle of water (not connected in any way time-wise with the dishwasher running) on the bathroom floor, COMING FROM THE BASE OF THE WALL. And not the wall that has the toilet and shower connections on it, either. A completely other wall. I have cleaned up the water puddle three times now in the last two days. And it just keeps slowly re-, er, puddling. But the maintenance guys will take care of it tomorrow, I'm sure. I hope they don't have to rip out serious portions of my bathroom wall. At least if they do, it's the wall that is shared on the other side by my kitchen, and not, oh, my neighbor's wall. So if they do need to tear it out and they can't fix it right away, I can still go pee in privacy.

And on that cheerful thought, before my connection gets cut out, I'm going to sign off.

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