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Ruminations on men
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I know it's been about a month since my last entry, and I was feeling all guilty about that, and then it hit me: This is my journal. I get to write in it as frequently or infrequently as I want. If the people I know want to get news of me more frequently, they all know how to send me an email or call me on the phone. If I want to tell somebody something more frequently, guess what, I know how to use email and the telephone too. Duh. I think I was just comparing myself on some level to Jed, who is one of the most prolific bloggers I know. And his entries are almost always interesting and/or thoughtful and/or have links to wacky shit on the internet. But I'm not Jed, and my journal doesn't have to be like his. Or like anybody else's. Is this a surprise to anyone but me? :)

I just re-read that last entry, about New Leaf Guy (who never called, by the way), and it had some funny echoes for me of an earlier thought process. For reasons too complicated to explain here, I was mentally counting and naming the guys I've had relationships with and/or one-night stands with (only a couple of the latter), and I found that there were several guys I went out with or spent significant time with whose names I couldn't remember. I can picture them in my head, and remember the nature of the relationship well, but I can't remember their names. So in my mental counting, they became "That Haverford Guy from Freshman Year," or "That Actor Guy," or sadly, just "That Guy." Now, admittedly, those were the guys that made the least impression on me long-term (which explains why their names also didn't stick). The really important ones I remember fully. I think the worst part, though, is that there is at least one guy who I had a lot of fun with while I was at Bryn Mawr; we went hiking in the snow, and watched movies together in a random classroom/storage area? late at night... and I just remembered, we worked together too, at the Barnes and Noble. And I can't remember his name. I liked him a lot -- he was a friend, and I was interested in him too, but I had no idea how to deal with that. And then I left, and I didn't get contact information for him, and now I've forgotten his name. His first name I'm pretty sure was Dave. He went to Haverford. I hung out with him senior year. He was Jewish (I remember this because we made a joke about the four questions once that nobody else understood). He was tall, with light to medium brown wavy hair. I'd kind of like to know what he's up to. And not just because I'm single! There are a lot of people I'd like to get back into touch with, Edouard & Suzanne (Eddie and Susan) from French Immersion in particular.

I suppose what that means is that I should actually join the Bryn Mawr Alumnae Association. That way I would have access to alum information of some kind. It also means I would get regular requests for donations, but I think it's worth it in order to be more in touch.

Speaking of being in touch, I had a fabulous, amazing time at the family reunion of my maternal grandfather's side of my family. I caught up with cousins I haven't seen in ten years, and met their kids, and well, just had a great time. I can't even begin to describe how it feels to have my cousins back in my life.

And speaking of having a life, if I haven't mentioned it before, if anybody has anybody they want to set me up with, please do. I am so ready.

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