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I have the best brother-in-law
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I've been sick as the proverbial dog the last few days, despite my frequent Hoovering up of a slew of herbal anti-virals. On the other hand, I haven't been as sick as my students, so maybe the anti-virals are doing something after all. There's something WAY nasty going 'round, and I done caught it.

What this has to do with having the best brother-in-law is that today, Stewart called me and asked if there was anything he could bring me, and then he brought me all the things I asked for (applesauce, salted butter, saltine crackers). But before he brought those things over, as I was heating up some chicken broth to help replace some of the salts I'd lost from extra hydration, and thinking mournfully that I wished I had some udon noodles, he called again. He said, "I'm just finishing having lunch at an udon place and I wondered if you'ld like me to bring you some udon." Hooray! Yay! Glorious moment! So I got my chicken udon, and felt much better about my food situation.

I haven't had any congestion at all for the last three days, just a horrible hacking cough (cross between a frog and a seal), and then today at 3:00 I sneezed and instantly got a congested head cold. Sigh. Bodies are weird. But at least my cough is not quite so horrible as it's been. It seems to have lessened at the same time as the congestion began. Weird, huh?

Anyway, I'm sure you were all just sitting perched on the edges of your seats wanting to know all the details of my illness... so luckily for you, you got 'em!

As far as goes, well, it's early days yet. I've sent several emails, got two very nice rejections (one had recently met someone, the other wanted someone closer to where he lives), and no other responses yet. Ah well. I'm trying not to take this to mean bad things about me. I know that this is just one more tool in the process, and every time I put myself out there, it becomes a little easier etc. etc. _If the Buddha Dated_ has been pretty helpful with that, just helping me to remain conscious of what really is, instead of the stories I tell myself.

Okay, 'night night.

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