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Filing chaos update
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Not that probably anybody but me really cares, but there is no longer a massively huge pile of "waiting to be filed" papers on my bedroom floor! Hooray! I bought two File-N-Stack plastic bins, and 50 hanging file folders, and almost everything is put away. Tomorrow I'm going to have to visit the local OfficeMax to pick up another bin and 50 more hanging folders (I don't really need that many folders, but I like the colors they have now so I want to stock up for later). I'm so happy that I can see a much larger portion of my floor!!!!

Now I can do the next project, which was dependent on this project. Go domino effect! I have one more folding wood bookshelf to assemble, which will go in my bedroom, and I have one more wooden nightstand to assemble which will also go in my bedroom. I want my bedrooom to look inviting for another person, you know, and not like the cluttered Hell Cave it has been feeling like. More lighting would probably also help, but I haven't figured out what kind of lighting I want. I keep looking at table lamps, but then it reminds me of living with Gregg to have a table lamp on each nightstand. Blech. And then I think about a floor lamp, which would give lots of nice light, but then it becomes problematic to find a place for it. Maybe just another pretty reading lamp for the other nightstand, and then we'll see how it looks after that.

Even so, progress is great.

Speaking of progress, I did listen to the message from Drama Boy, um, let's see, Wednesday morning. It was a fairly terse, "Hey Lola, it's -----, give me a call back if you want, bye." Which I took pretty much to mean that he didn't really expect me to call back, or that he expected to be let down, and this was his way of protecting himself. Of course, these are only guesses. So then today I did call him back. Sean gave me good advice: he suggested that I not mention any of my several reasons for not wanting to date this guy, just to say no thank you, I'm not really feeling it if and when he asked me out again. I had been feeling like it was important to tell him why, especially because he's in recovery and it just seems like part of being in recovery is getting to the truth and hearing it straight... but then I thought about it, and listened to what Sean had to say, and thought about it some more, and decided that the pull to be brutally honest with him was the part of me that's been through some heavy stuff with people I know and love. I don't know and love this guy. I don't even know him. He's not my friend. He's not my responsibility. So I figured I'd be as nice as I could about while still being clear, and then if he persisted, I'd kick it up a notch, but if he didn't, I could just leave it at that.

And that's what I did: I called him back this afternoon and apologized for not calling him back sooner, and then when he said he'd been calling before to see if I wanted to get together and do something, I told him that the thing was, I just didn't see a romance happening here. He thanked me for being honest and telling him now instead of later, and told me he pretty much had gotten that impression from me at dinner when I said his smoking would be a big issue for me. So I said goodbye and told him to take it easy and said maybe I'd run into him at the clubs sometime, and then he said goodbye, sounding all annoyed and sad, and that was that.

I sincerely doubt he'll call me again. And luckily, he doesn't know where I live, so if he has any creepy stalker tendencies (which he probably doesn't) (hopefully), he won't be able to find me.

Dating is weird.

But filing apparati are great!

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