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My apartment gets better and better
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Tonight I spent a quiet evening at home, catching up on the Amazing Race (yay for my favorite team of all time winning!!!) and continuing the filing project. Everything is filed now. Hooray! Now all that's left is to make labels for the hanging file folders, but I can do that in about twenty minutes tomorrow after my... Pre-Op Appointment! Yay again!

Tonight I also assembled the last of my Bed, Bath & Beyond folding hardwood bookcases and put it up in my bedroom where the piles of paper used to be. And then I put my shoes on it! I have a shelf of shoes! The tall boots (3 pairs) are on the top shelf because that's the only place they fit. And I did have to put a few pairs that I almost never wear into boxes on one of the shelves so that the ones I wear more frequently could go on top of the boxes.

I have 25 pairs of shoes. And it's not enough. Or at least, not enough of them are cute. And I'm missing the darling shoes I bought for my wedding long ago. My ex has probably burned them by now. Either that or they've been donated to Goodwill, which would be okay, except that they were really cute and I wish I had them. Speaking of the Goodwill, I think several of my current 25 pairs are headed to that venerable institution. Well, at least two or three of them. I have a pair of low-heeled black pumps that I would keep because they're low-heeled black pumps, but my ex sister-in-law borrowed them a couple of times and now they're too big for me (her feet were a size bigger than mine). So, those can go. Besides, I got them when I was in high school, I think. Scary.

One of my tall pairs of boots I never wear, but I won't get rid of them because they're Ferragamos, and I paid something like $12 for them (instead of the $500 they would have cost new) at a used clothing store in Berkeley. And I have another equally painful pair of shoes that I adore even more, these slides with big chunky black heels and fake leopard fur across the front. I wore those to Amelia's wedding with my slinky quilted Betsey Johnson dress. They're my porn star shoes. I love them. I never wear them because they kill my feet, but I love them.

Speaking of fabulous shoes, I got a call from my sister this afternoon, solely (no pun intended) to tell me about the three pairs of shoes she bought today. She was so excited. What a great reason for a phone call! It was definitely the most completely, unabashedly girly phone call I've had in a long time. It was pretty cute, actually. I can't wait to see the shoes!

Maybe I'll hit Bunny's again this week. I picked up a new pair of flip-flops there for my trip to Europe this summer, and I tried on a pair of super cute high heeled sandals, but I was hanging out with my dad, so I didn't want to spend a whole lot of time trying on shoes. I think I need to go back. There were a LOT of cute shoes there.

Wow, this entry turned out to be not so much about my apartment as about my love of shoes. Ah well, one's true personality always surfaces in the end, doesn't it?

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