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Market research; please help!
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A friend of mine and I are thinking of doing a t-shirt business on the side, one that uses eco-friendly t-shirts with our own designs and then donates a percentage of the proceeds to charity. If you wouldn't mind answering these questions, that would be awesome.


Please copy and paste this into an email to me at lolabones at hotmail (added later: I rewrote that to avoid spam, on a tip from Seanny Boy); you can just put an x by your answers. Thank you!

1. Do you currently buy and wear t-shirts (includes sleeveless, cap-sleeve, long sleeve, scoop neck, etc.)

______yes ______no

2. How much do you usually pay for t-shirts?

___$5-10 ___$11-15 ___$16-20 ___$21-25 ___$26+

3. Do you look for environmentally friendly, eco-products? (e.g. organic, made in USA, sweatshop free)

_______Yes ________No

4. Would you be willing to buy an eco-friendly shirt?

______Yes ________No

5. Would you be willing to spend $5 more if eco-friendly

_______Yes __________No

6. What are the 3 most important factors to your purchases?

__Price __Color __quality __design __made in USA

__Eco-friendly __non-sweatshop ___comfort ___style


7. Would you prefer to buy a shirt with a: (circle all that apply)

____Logo (e.g. 'DKNY') ___Design (e.g. a tree) ___Saying (e.g. "dream big")

8. What other eco-friendly apparel would you be likely to purchase?

__Tote bags ___pants ___yoga gear ___hats ____baby clothes ____kidclothes


9. Would you be willing to spend $5 more if a product was eco-friendly and supported a cause ( e.g. global warming research, cancer research, etc.)

___Yes ____no

10. Mark the three causes you would most likely support through a purchase of clothing.

___global warming research/education
___cancer research
___habitat for humanity
____women and children's protection and support in darfur
____women's education in third world countries
___the heifer project (end hunger and poverty; care for the earth)

____"Miles for Smiles" (cleft-palate repair in developing countries)

____Autism research
____second harvest food bank

____ a local non-profit

11. Where do you typically shop for apparel?

___discount stores ___mail order ____online ___major department stores ____boutiques _____other (please list) __________________

12. Would you be more willing to buy online if you knew it was a high quality product ( e.g. familiar brand name versus unknown brand name?)

___Yes ___no

13. What factors would make you try a new online-product (e.g. t-shirt) you hadn't tried before? (please circle top three)

___Style ___price ___free shipping ___free returns ___variety

___Eco-friendly ___money towards a cause ____easily found online

____Attractive web-site Other_____________________________

14. What is(are) your favorite t-shirt style(s)?

___Short sleeve ___long sleeve ___¾ length ____Tank top

___V-neck ____Scoop-neck ___high-cut ___low-cut

___Collar ____crew neck ___Layering ____Long length

____shorter length Other________________

15. What styles/types of shirts would you like to see more of in the market, but you just can't find?


16. Are you:
___Male ____Female

17. What age range are you in?

___0-12 ___13-19 ___20-29 ____30-39 ___40-49 ____50-59 60+

Any comments are welcome: _________________________________________

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