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Long time no talk
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And this is going to be super short because I have to get up at 5:45 tomorrow morning.

I just wanted to say that my life has been extra fabulous lately, which is why I haven't been writing: I've been having too good of a time to do more than check my email, and I haven't wanted to write about what's so fabulous because I don't have permission from someone else to do so yet. :-)

School is great; elementary kids are both easier and harder than junior high kids. I have to be so much more INVOLVED in what they do, and I had to shift my expectations somewhat, because they just can't do the level or volume of work that the JH kids could... on the other hand, I have a wonderful group of kids that I get along pretty well with, and who get along pretty well with each other.

I have poison oak, which sucks. I got it when I was climbing down a steep treacherous cliffside path down to a secluded beach, and I must have caught my elbow on a branch of it when I wasn't looking. I also made it all the way to the bottom without falling, and then when I got to the bottom I slipped on a patch of slimy mud on a big rock, and landed on my ass in a huge mass of slimy, icky, ooey goo (luckily my dress wasn't ruined, and I had a pair of jeans with me to change into). I also scraped up my elbow pretty bad, but that's pretty much healed now, and the huge bruise is fading, and now it's just prednisone for me to combat the systemic reaction I'm having to the poison oak. But it's not the worse case of it I've had, and the prednisone seems to be working, and I'm pretty much high as a kite about the rest of my life, so it's okay.

Alright, I must sleep now.

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