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Time & Tide*
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Listening: In Utero, Nirvana
Mentally Replaying: past month and then some
Enjoying: health/warmth

I haven't done real updates in a while. I kind of got bored of them, figuring who cares what movies I saw recently.

But I'm unbored of them at the moment.

Um last month there was a fabulous wedding wherein it was totally cool to see two friends get married - to each other, no less! There were ass-loads of friends I hadn't seen in years and some who are around but are just punks and so they don't write or call or anything.

The music was decent and the site was a dream, so all in all i had a good time.

A week later, and I mean *exactly* a week later it was raining cats and dogs. It was to sort of rain that happens in Southern California approximately once a year, but not necessarily every year. It's the kind of rain that I try to tell foreigners about but they get all snotty and start telling me I "don't know rain." Fuck 'em. It was raining like crazy.

The next week a war started and my boyfriend had a birthday. On the same day...*sigh*

I did my taxes. Slightly less painful than other years for various reasons and I'm glad it's overwith. Now if only someone would just give my company a break its friggin stock, I'd be just set. I know need to diversify, but I'm only in stocks because I get a discount on my company's stock. If they would just be worth some real money I'd sell most of them in a hurry for decent mutual fund. (okey, okey decent is relative when it comes to this sort of thing)

There was a party... it was smaller than usual but the usual suspects had less warning than normal. But it was fairly cool - FAR less drama and violence than usual, which is to say *none.* I was feeling a little down and slightly disappointed for my boy, but then the world started turning amazing and he and I spent the rest of the night babbling about the funkitude of the universe.

Then last week I got horribly sick. The boy was too, but to a lesser degree. He was just coughing and sneezing up weird shit. I was alternating between not being able to sleep and amazingly epic dreams, being horridly uncomfortable in bed, but too exhausted to do much of anything, fevered, cold, headachy and spacey. It was goofy but mostly I'm glad it's over.

A few weeks ago we saw Bringing Down the House. I found it hilarious, though I know most people wouldn't dare go see it. Steve Martin was in top form doing his Steve Martin best with slap stick and situational comedy. Queen Latifah kicked ass showing off every last face of Black Women Throughout American History and then some. All in all it was very silly and very fun.

On Saturday we saw Head of State which is another movie many people wouldn't be caught dead seeing. It's too bad because it's incredibly funny. Chris Rock is very creative and didn't hold back just because some people might not "get it." Some people might have trouble because it didn't hold onto anything that people might consider to be an eye on realism. But it had some extremely poigniant remarks about politics vis a vis race relations in the country. Go figure. But it was also very silly.

Um let's see. I also saw Chicago a while ago, which I now REALLY wish I had seen onstage, especially on Broadway when Bebe Nuewirth was in it. They were very painstaking in their studying of mannerism of the people of the age as we know them from movies and great characters of the age. But there's still something about Renne Zellweger that sorta bugs me. I don't think she's a very good actress because she mostly plays herself over and over again. In this movie she didn't quite do that and I can almost see then why she got a Best Actress nod, but acting is more than just wearing a mask and pretending to play a role that you saw someone else play. That said I REALLY liked Catherine Zeta-Jones. Not quite Best Supporting Actress-liked, but she really surprised me, and I'm always in favor of that.

Speaking of Best Actresses - Real Women have Curves got TOTALLY shafted. Though I don't think America Ferrera should have stood up to Selma Hayek for Frida (who should have won BTW); but Lupe Ontiveros SHOULD have totally won supporting actress for her rousing protrayal of my Mother.

Me biased?!? NEVER!

Anyway... that's it for now I guess. More when I remember my funky dreams.

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