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Listening: Lots of stuff stolen from the Agent - looking for party music
Mentally Replaying: "Honey," Tori Amos
Desiring: coffee & a doughnut

Oh crap it's September already!

The weeks keep flying by, and it's not like I'm even doing anything interesting. Just working so much I don't have time to post or write to friends or anything. Work just keeps insisting that I show up and put in eight hours and then leave. *grumble*

I can't remember everything that's happened since the last time I posted so it must not have been all that interesting.

Last weekend I went to the Camarilla's Southwest Regional Event, or SWRE (or SomeWheRE). Most of it was pretty fun. The vampire game I was mostly busy on Friday night and then Saturday was...weird. But I wasn't bored, and that's pretty much the key to keeping me from feeling like I hate everything about everything. (I've gone to tons of vampire games in a row where there was nothing to do and I just end up wanting to shoot myself - or someone else.)

I had a great time at the garou game, primarily because of the fun I cooked up for myself. And it was absolutely the right thing to do to leave Dolores at home. I think I would have been more annoyed/bored if I had played her. Mage was... bluh... but at least it wasn't boring.

So all in all it was cool. Not as much cool OOC hanging out as I like, almost no drinking.... There's some stuff that I might go head and post to the priveledged group. I don't think it's that interesting, but just gossipy what-the-fuck type stuff that I don't want to post publically for fear of stirring something up.

I spent a ton of XP on the way out and I think I may have to respend it now that we're moving to an upgraded rules system. I have to take care of a couple of things before tonight's vamp game.

On Monday we went further out to Yucaipa and visited Jester's family. As bewildering as it sounds, Jester is actually a dad now and has a daughter of his very own. Of course, it's his wife who is excellently suited to being a mother, seeing how well she's raised Jester in the past couple years. The kid is teeny tiny and was barely five days old when I saw her. Babies that young aren't particularly beautiful (in my experience), but if I had to guess, I'd say in a few months, and lasting for decades, Fionna is going to be one lovely lady.

Jester has a bit of a zoo - his wife has two cats (who are terrified of strangers so I didn't see them), he has two dogs (who love strangers a WHOLE lot) and had a ball python. The missus mentioned wanting to get rid of her and my Molasses showed interest. Next thing I know we're packing up the terrarium and taking Nefertiti home with us.

So now we have a snake.

By the way, the hotel that we stayed at was totally sweet! Gym, pool, hot tub, restaurant, bar/grill and a 24-hour deli, the rooms were comfy and they let us use meeting rooms for side scenes, in addition to the ballrooms. All for the astounding low price of $59 per night - which is even lower than the AAA club price! Woo!! All props and thanks to the Cleric!

In other news I'm having a birthday party tomorrow night. Of course, I'm worried it will suck cause so few people have declared their intention to go, but then I've invited something like 20 people. The Agent and Molasses usually have parties that they *try* (and usually fail) to keep under 40 people.

But hopefully it'll be fun and I'll get nice and toasted in the company of some fine friends.

We're going to have roughly 6 hours to do everything and it seems like it will fall to me to clean Agent Orange's bathroom. Goodie. }:/

Still debating dying my hair. I may try to call up a local salon and see about prices and maybe an appointment. We'll see.

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