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Interview with Jen
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1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions, I get to pick the questions
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

1. I know you've had to deal with some rather dumb people in your life. What was the dumbest thing someone ever did in front of you?

well last night as we were driving home from the spot we were watching fireworks the car in front of us cut us off at high speeds on the road no fewer than three times - first to get on the freeway, then to switch freeways then to exit, each time staying in front of us. The first time I had to shout "watch out!" to my driver as they swerved onto the onramp without signaling or waiting for us to pass.

I can't remember much stuff that's dumb that's done on the spot. Things that I do remember take time - that stuff really makes me think badly of someone. Lie offhand to me, especially a little white lie to make yourself look better. I can see why people do this but it's not hard to find out the truth and instead of *maybe* thinking badly of this person's intelligence I think badly of their intelligence *and* their honor. Plus I don't like it when people treat me disrespectfully.

2. I know you love Los Angeles, but what is the one thing you don't like about it?

}:P when people badmouth it. I really hate that shit. I take it personally and it makes me angry. My city would be more pleasant if people didn't use so much oxygen to insult it. I'm not kidding, it's one of my major pet peeves.

Otherwise I guess I'm not a fan of the traffic.

3. If you could meet any one person (living or dead) who would it be and why would you want to meet them?

gah. I don't know. I can't think of anyone I want to meet more than anyone else. Maybe Konstantin Stanislavski because I have questions about his method that seem either open ended in his books or were the explanation was lost in translation. (I assume we would magically, mystically be allowed to speak the same language.)

4. Say you won the lottery... big time. What would you do with all the money? Would you continue to work at your current job?

I wouldn't mind this job but I would ask to work temp or else ask to quit working on day to day tasks and spend my time working on processes that would optimize our time instead of slaving away over details.

Either way I would probably buy theatre and start piecing together a company for experimental and progressive theatre. If it was a butt TON of money I would install a modular theatre like the one at CalArts. I would also put a company together for taking agitprop shows to the streets.

5. In your opinion, what is the worst thing that the Bush administration has done thus far?

guh. no getting specific here is there? going to war in Iraq is obviously the worst. It has cost far more lives and made the war on terrorism more broad and unwinnable that calculated strategic strikes that could have been made if he hadn't told the rest of the world to fuck itself while he played the cowboy with other people's lives in a country that had no terrorist presence. Certainly Iraq had many problems that needed to be addressed but a) they had nothing to do with terrorism and b) war has replaced some of the problems with other and exacerbated the rest.

Some news is about making it "better" but it might be better than being bombed by the U.S. but it's still years away from truly being better than under Saddam. If the rubric is "as long as one person is opressed (eg the people Saddam liked to torture) then everyone is oppressed" then the whole country is still very opressed by fear of both of its occupiers and the new breed of foreign and domestic terrorists that flow easily in and out of the country and don't give a damn about "Strategy."

I don't know if it's singularly the worst, but it's tightly tied to all of the other problems the country is going through and is the single worst thing about our foreign policy. It's also horrifically bad that tens of thousands of Iraqis have died but those responsible for 9/11 are still at large.

any further questions?

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