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5 Questions from Firewolf
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Desiring: A Happy Ending.

Five Questions From Firewolf:
(Leave a comment if you want me to ask you five questions to answer on your journal.)

1. You're given a theatre of your own and an unlimited budget to work with... what play do you put on first?

Hm. In this scenario where I theoretically have time and space and money to get to any play that I want pretty much until I croak... I think I would try something that really tests the bedsprings. Since I've always thought that Hamlet is a full and complete play, the production of which tests pretty much every dimension of stagecraft one could think of. Therefore if we can do Hamlet, we can do anything.

2. And on that note... you can pick any talent you want to star in it. What actor(s) and/or actress(es) do you choose?

I have no freaking clue. Stars I would die of happiness to work with include Geoffrey Rush, Tim Curry, James Edward Olmos, Lawrence Fishburne, Cate Blanchette, Kate Mulgrew, Lauren Bacall and so on. don't really know how on earth I would cast these people.

3. You're given one wish (and it won't be messed up). What do you wish for?

To live happily ever after.

4. If you could enter any line of work (no worries about degrees or experience) what would it be and why?

*shrug* no worries at all would mean being a professional student. I wanted out of academia because I was sick of all the hoops I had to jump through. It felt like chasing a tail - needing money to finish school, needing to finish school so I could earn money, etc.

But there's so much I wish I had time to learn, to study. And so much I'm forgetting...

I guess actual career... well, it's still not sensible and still revolves around academia but I really wouldn't mind being a high level, mover-and-shaker type in the avant guard of theatre. I know that sounds all hoity toity but I really like sitting around thinking about shit and I really love making theatre and pushing the boundaries of what theatre is and how it's created really appeals to me. the only real way to do that, far as I can see is to combine writing about and creating theatre with teaching it. Thus being a professor of theatre. (I didn't start off at that point because I know you have an idea of what a professor of theatre is and does and I didn't want you to start with that in mind.)

5. You're going to be stranded alone on a desert island with someone, but you can choose who that someone is. Who do you take with you?

gracious. I don't know a single soul who would appreciate it if I dragged them off to a desert island to be stranded there.

Maybe a monk or nun who was good at gently teaching patience and serenity. I could use some lessons in meditation and peace.

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