NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2005-05-31 11:45 AM A Report from the Land of Mucous So where the heck has ChicagoRev/NotShyChiRev been, all 3 of you who dutifully read this may be asking? the risk of sounding like the whiny little toad I've become...
I mentioned the post-chorus retreat croak, right?....well it just got worse...about a week ago I woke up coughing convulsively, like a large gelatinous beast was trying to escape my left lung...and I had this really nasty hot-poker-every-time-you-swallow sore throat... Turns out, what I though was just that cold I had escaped while in Florida, turned out to be a chiller-diller of a Sinus Infection/ third bout with this little combo in 6 months...not a good sign of my general health and well-being. I've been hacking up a lung, and emptying my sinuses of unpleasantness (that bears a striking color resemblance to that.) -----------------------------> I'm now in day four of the antibiotics, feeling almost human again. In the meantime...I've been a sucky pastor, a bad friend, an inadequate son, and a piss-poor (pardon the expression, I revert to my white-trash roots and curse a lot when I'm sick.) chorus member. In the midst of this thing building into proto-pneumonia last week, I had to do a funeral, host my younger sister and her family, participate in two contentious board meetings and call the cops 3 times for kids smoking crack in my church parking lot at night. It's been a rough week. :-) Let's just say I didn't have the energy to even flip on the computer, let alone try to craft something pithy for your entertainment/edification/annoyance. (not completely true...I did actually write a sermon and preach it on 2 on the antibiotics...and with all due modesty, I can tell you that it blew chunks...probably my worst ever...) So, I'm on the mend...again...and hoping to resurface bit by bit over the coming days... Read/Post Comments (14) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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