NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2005-06-29 1:54 PM Survey from Matt and Luke (AKA: an easy second entry for today) I WANT: Fully functional central air conditioning. (geez aren't I a one note whiner?)
I HAVE: More skin tags on my neck than fingers on my hands. I WISH: That as a nation we would be more concerned with feeding, clothing, and healing the world than spreading our economic and political philosophies. I HATE: living paycheck to paycheck. I MISS: having a snuggle partner. I FEAR: that I have become as self-righteous as those I oppose in the church and the political arena. I HEAR: the steady harmony of my Vornado personal fan, my inadequate window unit, and the muted roar of planes taking off at Midway. I WONDER: Whatever happened to most of my friends from high school. I REGRET: having hurt anyone...whether intentionally or something I've said, done, failed to say, or left undone. I LOVE: getting hello hugs from parishoners on Sunday morning and hello kisses from CGMC members on Sunday nights...contextual rituals of affection. I ACHE: from my neck to my tailbone...remnants of last weekend's concert with it's quick changes of costume and excessive (for this portly pastor anyway) dancing. I ALWAYS: pour water in the font at the beginning of worship on Sundays. I AM NOT: a person who blows his least not in years. I DANCE: in that liminal space between utter surrender to the beat and chubby gay guy self-consiousness. I SING: the music that moves me...hymns, showtunes, standards of the 30's to the 50's, cabaret songs...with more gusto than talent, with more emotion than precision. I CRY: all the time at movies and when reading books, particularly, most recently while watching "Same Sex America" on Showtime...the documentary about gay marriage in Mass. I WRITE: so that my brain, my heart, and my very self remain in communication with one another. I WIN: every time I play Trivial Pursuit Silver Screen Edition with my family. I LOSE: my patience at people who are pushy and dangerously aggressive in traffic. I CONFUSE: names of my parishoner's adult children and grandchildren with alarming frequency. I NEED: a care-free do nothing vacation involving reading, watching theatre, sleeping, eating, and snuggling. I SHOULD: make the gym a priority. [YES OR NO] You keep a diary: yes, sometimes. You have a secret journal: well, duh...that's what #1 is. You set your watch a few minutes ahead: don't wear a watch, but yes for my bedside clock. You bite your fingernails: no, I tear them off. You believe in love: Oh, yes. DO YOU: Want to get married: ulitmately, yes, to a man. Have any tattoos/where?: none Piercings/where?: none Get motion sickness: nope Think you're a health freak: not hardly. Get along with your parents: most of the time. [IN THE LAST 24 HOURS, HAVE YOU] HELPED SOMEONE? yes, a few BOUGHT SOMETHING? yes, groceries. GOTTEN SICK? no GONE TO THE MOVIES? no GONE OUT FOR DINNER? yes, with EP, a young woman I went to seminary with, who is visiting with her youth from Nebraska. SAID "I LOVE YOU"? no WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? no TALKED TO AN EX? by IM, yes WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL? yes TALKED TO SOMEONE YOU CRUSH ON? by Im yes (and not the same person as above) MISSED SOMEONE? yes HUGGED SOMEONE? yes FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS? no FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? no KISSED SOMEONE? no HAD SEX? no ATE A BURGER? no WENT ON A ROAD TRIP? no Read/Post Comments (9) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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