NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2005-08-01 11:31 PM My last 10 Google searches Want to manipulate me? Want to lead me astray...then manipulate the listings on wikipedia and tinker with my google. I honestly think that virtually every time I go online, I end up using google.
So let's take a stroll through the most recent ones...all from the last 36 hours. 1. Clinton recess appointment: I'm blogging on this sometime soon, I think. Will it surprise you to know only Reagan had more than Shrub in his first 5.5 years. 2. United States Embassy Cameroon: an immigration issue has arisen with one who visits in my congregation...can't go into right now...other than to say it's making me ashamed to be an American. 3. Puah Shiphrah meaning: I've got what my Hebrew dictionary says these names mean--they are the 4th in my series on neglected women of scripture...the midwives in Egypt...and I wanted to see what other online sources say about the meaning... 4. andrea casiraghi: (google images) Prince Grace's oldest grandson...someone emailed me and said he looked like he could be the older brother of my oldest niece's boyfriend...and...he does. My poor brother in law is not handling having a stud date his daughter... 5. drumming circle drum sale: got a wild hair about getting a drum for use in worship....I can tell you right now it would freak some of my folks more than that their pastor thinks andrea casiraghi is hot (but way too young for me). 6. Fuji S3100 reviews: contemplating buying a digital camera, even though I can't afford it, and this was on sale on actually found it cheaper by following this search. 7. Minolta Dimache Z1 reviews: see above....and this camera apparently makes things too purple. 8. florence gallery david: was in an online chat with a guy who looks nothing like Grace's grand-fils and he mentioned how much he enjoyed the David and I didn't want to sound like a I wamted to remind myself which one it is in...It's the Accademia. 9. Jael: I was debating whether to make her the 5th in my sermon series...but I don't want to lift up a woman sue me....I'm going with woman wisdom...and will therefore face heresy charges soon...:-) 10. let him stay: a web site set up by the ACLU concerning a remarkable young African-American man, aged 16, who was an HIV positive crack baby raised in a foster home of two gay neo-natal nurses who, since he is now considered AIDS-free is "adoptable" and Florida now says it may take him from the only family he has ever known. Don't get me started...I won't be pastoral, and I won't be civil. 10A. "we are dad": the documentary on Showtime that told me about that young man. So there they are... You are what you eat... You are becoming who you Google... Read/Post Comments (5) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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