NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2005-08-16 12:56 PM This is all Matthew's Fault... Editted to explain...I'm living vicariously through the now-graduated cum laudian, and since he did it, I thought what the heck....
1. Name: ChicagoRev...or for my real name...look at the current roster of the Supreme Court of Australia. I share a first and last name, and middle initial (!) with one of them. (And he and I have other things in common than a law degree.) 2. If there were 3 wells (love, beauty, and creativity) and you could only drink from one of them, which one would you choose? Love...for it by necessity includes the other two. 3. Do you wish on stars? Not unless Bette Midler counts. 4. Which finger is your favorite? The Fickle Finger of Fate from Rowan and Martin's old am I? 5. What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten? At a Dutch homestay when I was 18, where we were told to eat whatever was put in front of us or we'd appear to be ugly Americans, I ate stale Muslix with yogurt that had been sitting in a glass bottle on the shaded back porch (in the summertime) for two days. Almost every bite was a battle of wills between my gag reflex and my patriotism. 6. Would you kill someone? Perhaps if they were about to kill someone else, or maybe even if they were about to kill me....or, of course, if I caught them eating the last Tofutti Cutie in the freezer. 7. When did you last cry? at the end of a song I sang in a concert on Sunday...surprised even me. 8. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play the lead? Sean Astin (bulked up more than for the LOtR films) 9. What TV show or movie TITLE best describes your life? Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 10. Do you like your handwriting? You're kidding, right?...there's a hint of serial killer or, shudder, doctor, in my every scratch. 11. Who are you jealous of? If you mean people who have something I would want at the expense of them having it...then of course, Melanie Griffith....but if you mean people who have something I wish I had in a way that wouldn't mean they'd have to lose it for me to have it...then I's Ewen McGregor's wife's name? Serious answer: those who have that one person where the love and commitment are so deep that they can know all about one another and still be together... 12. What is your ..1 priority in life? To find and share joy. 13. What is your favorite lunch meat? the organic pepper turkey from Trader Joe's. 14. Do you have any bad habits? rip my fingernails and toenails off after showering (they are softer then), eat in the living room, I snore, and I whine to my friends too much. 15. Are you a friendly person? Very, generally...though when distracted by a thought or problem I can appear very aloof....when in fact, I'm just spaced out. 16. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Matthew has the best response to this...see his...for it is true for me also... 17. Are you a daredevil? If you mean putting myself at physical risk, not hardly. If you mean putting myslef at emotional or other kinds of risk, well, I'm a fat, gay Presbyterian minister who hopes to some day find a husband and keep my job which I decide. 18. How big was the biggest mango you ever had? I think this question is motivated by sizist fruitophobia and I refuse to be a part of such an oppressive world view. No Comment. 19. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat? there a human being alive who didn't do this as an adolescent? 20. What do you think is the most attractive animated character? Aquaman, or perhaps the new Green Lantern. 21. Do looks matter? morally, no; esthetically, yes; romantically, more than they should; politically, there's a reason Orrin Hatch will never be President, other than his politics... 22. Do you pray? Professionally and as an amateur. 23. Have you ever met anyone famous? an astonishing number, including presidents, actors, professional sports figures, and, perhaps most important of all, Kitirik, the former host of the children's show on Channel 13 in Houston. 24. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? If the rainbow had any style at all, the pot would be replaced by a PreColumbian urn, or a cloisonne box...anything associated with the rainbow needs panache and style. 25. What are your biggest fears? Easy, that I will spend my last years (many, many years from now) alone. 26. What do you do to vent anger? go for a walk? fume? pray? just let it go? All of the above. 27. Are you passive or aggressive? both as the need presents itself. 28. Who is your idol? Ba'al...but don't tell...shhhhhh 29. Who is your second family? My congregaton...and the funny thing is the boundaries I set up with them professionally are remarkably similar to the one's my family has insisted upon in all adult relationships in our clan for years. 30. Do you trust others easily? To a point, yes. 31. What was your favorite toy as a child? Posable astronaut GI Joe, and Lite-Brite. 32. What class in school do you think is totally useless? For me today, it was calculus...I wouldn't know a function if it bit me on the behind. 33. What is your favorite joke? the American political system. 34. Do you like sappy love songs? HE-LLO...I sing cabaret songs and am in the Gay Men's Chorus? Duh? 35. Do you think your life so far has been good? Mostly sunny with brief showers and a chance of severe weather thoughout the day. 36. Which was your best Halloween costume? Judge Ito... 37. Have you ever been on radio or television? yes...appeared in a Houston Rockets television commercial for a season (my line was "I'm Calling the Buzz Line") and was a radio personality in college for 4 years. Some of my station ID's were used into the 90's, so my radio career lasted longer than it legally should have. I was also a reader with Taping for the Blind Radio for a couple of years. 38. Do you keep a diary? Not all the time, but I journal from time to time. 39. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person? Yes, but not as an adult, that I can recall. 41. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? No, unless front row at a Madonna concert in the Astrodome counts, and I don't think it does. 42. Are you an overall happy person? Indeed. 43. Do you feel understood most of the time? Never fully, hopefully at least partially most of the time. 44. Do you drink milk? lactose free, fat free....or soy...Trader Joe's Soy Chocolate is my second favorite dessert. 45. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? the tummy...the thoat is usually a harbinger of something else... 46. Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? Not since I was 19. At 14-18, I think there were times when I thought that what and who I was was so repugnant that I'd be better off dead...But on reflection, I don't think those thoughts ever rose to any action, so I'm not sure it counts as "seriously"... 47. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot? "of a ______day" to mean "on _____days"'s a midwesternism... 48. What time is it? 3:15 pm 49. Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in separate ones? separate...too many of both...I keep the white socks in with the white tshirts, the colored socks together and the underwear together. 50. Did you pay money to see "Honey I Shrunk The Kids"? As I recall, yes. 51. Would you rather be hot or cold? cold, any day. 52. What is your favorite body type to cuddle with? I've tried cuddling with bodies...but they are so cold and non-responsive...I prefer cuddling with the living... 53. What was the best Christmas present you received? Microscope, aged 9...I was in freaking heaven... 54. Could you be a vegetarian? Hey, now that I know they can fry veggies with tempura batter, mushrooms in beer batter, and that tofu can be made to replace almost any meat that goes in a bun or between slices of bread, I imagine so. 55. What is the first thing you say when u think of something cool? Thank goodness this wasn't one of those lame attempts at appearing cool by replacing a world with a homonymic letter of the alphabet. 56. What band has the funniest name? From my college days...The Jesus and Mary Chain 57. Would you ever bungee jump? Not a chance... 58. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Almost never, except for hiking boots, because they won't come off otherwise. 59. Who are your favorite white rappers? Objection, assumes facts not in evidence. 60. Would you rather wear uniforms to high school? Who doesn't?...either it's chosen by the school board or by the dictatorship of the popular people/advertisers...either way, it's a uniform. 61. Have you ever given money to a needy person? yes 62. What are you worried about right now? a young woman who had a minor stroke over the weekend and is still being examined for causes and future action. 63. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)? yes, I don't think it, I know it. 64. Do you hate anyone? No...I despise the actions and world views of the Rev. Phelps, and the idiot in North Korea, and whoever cancelled "Fat Actress" on Showtime, among others, but hating people reallly isn't my bag. 65. Do you regret anything? We haven't time to run through the list. 66. Have you ever been in love? Yes 67. Has someone loved you? Yes, as far as I can tell. Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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