NotShyChiRev Just not so little old me... "For I believe that whatever the terrain, our hearts can learn to dance..." John Bucchino |
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2006-02-13 2:45 PM One Bizarre (and X-Rated) Trip to My Amazon Gold Box Okay, so we know that the Gold Box offers--those infinitessimal discounts on ten or eleven items offered when you click on the gold treasure chest on the Amazon homepage--are based on your purchasing profile and upon items being promoted by their publishers, creators, etc, sometimes even to the point that Amazon gets to pass that discount along to the seller....ANYWAY...
So today, like about 3 other days a month, I went to Amazon to look for something that I will probably buy elsewhere, but wanted to check price, shipping, etc. Well, I checked on my Gold Box, as I always do, and I had to laugh out loud....Thank Heavens it's a computer and not a person whose producing this list, or I'm sure it would have sent them screaming to their clergyperson... So here's what was included on my list: ---4 DVD's of films based on the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelations (Revelation, Apocalypse, Omega 2 and Six: The Mark Unleashed) ---3 Books that were, um, sex manuals--each concentrating on a ---2 Books that were collections of prayers and devotions by Phyllis Tickle. ---a biofeedback relaxation machine to lower blood pressure ---Prilosec ATC (it was a 'bonus'--yeah right, it was a paid product placement) I was infuriated when I considered this list...After do they dare assume I have high blood pressure? Have a wonderful Monday and heed this unsolicited advice: don't ever, EVER accept a hunting invitation from anyone in the Bush Administration... Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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